Medicinal Cannabis and Endometriosis By Kalapa Clinic
Cannabinoids and Endometriosis 170 million women worldwide suffer from endometriosis . The symptoms of this condition are similar to menstrual pains which means that its diagnosis will often go unnoticed on many occasions . This disorder is unique to women and it occurs during menstruation . Endometriosis occurs when the lining of the uterus grows around other internal parts of the body such as the ovaries or intestines , among other areas .
Symptoms of Endometriosis The main symptom is that women with endometriosis experience intense pain . The pain that occurs can be compared to that of a heart attack . This disease occurs because the endometrium grown excessively around other internal organs . The invasive tissue does not leave the body during menstruation , but accumulates outside of the uterus during the menstrual cycle . As well as intense pain endometriosis can also cause nausea , vomiting and , in severe cases , it can lead to extensive bleeding which can damage the organs in the abdomen or even cause infertility .
Treating Endometriosis with Cannabinoids The most common way to treat endometriosis is by taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic pain killers to reduce the pain . However there are also alternative , more natural treatments , for example , using cannabinoids . Although medical cannabis cannot cure endometriosis , it can reduce the pain thanks to the soothing properties of CBD .
In a study done by the University of California in San Francisco , it was shown that with a low dose of pain killers , cannabinoids can reduce pain more so than if medical cannabis were not to be used . It was found that 33 % of patients with chronic endometriosis pain , who participated in this study , reported feelings of relieved pain despite having a reduced dose of conventional analgesics .
Other studies presented in the publication of “ Pelvic Chronic Pain and Endometriosis ” indicate that results are being seen in treatments surrounding the neural pain approach , where applying a treatment involving the endocannabinoid system , is finding a substantial decrease in inflammation , chronic pain and general pain .
What are the effects of medical cannabis on endometriosis ? At Kalapa Clinic , through the consultations , emails and social networking sites , we get many requests from women who want to know how medical cannabis can help them with their endometriosis . In this video cannabinoids and their uses are explained and how they may alleviate many of the symptoms that people with endometriosis have , including chronic inflammation , which can lead to constant abdominal pain and oedema .
Medicinal cannabis , because of its potential to sooth inflammation , helps people with this disease to improve their quality of life .
https :// www . kalapaclinic . com / en / endometriosis-medicalcannabis-uk /