With the ease of the cotton gin and
prohibition of cannabis in 1937, Hemp
became a forgotten textile.
This is unfortunate because it’s clear that
Hemp is superior to cotton.
Currently, our number one source for fabric is
the lesser.
Here are 6 reasons why Hemp is better
than cotton:
• On average, one acre of Hemp can
produce two to three times more fibre
than an acre of cotton.
• Hemp detoxifies the soil by removing
harmful chemicals and pollutants and
enriches the soil with nitrogen and
oxygen. Cotton takes a tremendous toll
on the soil.
• Nearly 10% of all agricultural
chemicals and 25% of insecticides
come from the cotton industry, which
ends up in the soil, rivers, and streams.
Hemp can be grown with much less
chemicals, or many times, none at all.
• Hemp needs one-third of the water that
cotton needs.
• Hemp is three to eight times stronger
than cotton (depending on how it is
processed). The textile products will
last longer.
• Hemp textile: breathes very well,
moisture absorbent, UV protect-ant,
and anti-bacterial.