The Leaf THE LEAF July-August 2019 | Page 16

2. Hemp plastic is non-toxic Plastic is toxic to our health. Conventional plastics contain endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors, such as BPA, interfere with the endocrine (aka hormone) system in the human body. Once inside the body, endocrine disruptors act like the hormone estrogen. Why is this dangerous? This hormonal imbalance in the body can stimulate the development of tumours. In fact, endocrine disruptors are linked to birth defects, cancer, learning disabilities, and more. The dangers of toxic chemicals from plastic don’t end with digestion. Endocrine disruptors can also leach into the soil and groundwater, devastating the natural environment and our health. Yet, hemp plastic is non-toxic. Plastic manufactured from hemp doesn’t contain harmful endocrine disruptors like petroleum- based plastics. Nor does it release toxins into the air during production. Why continue to destroy our environment and health when there is an alternative? 3. Hemp plastic could help save endangered wildlife Plastic is polluting the ocean at alarming rates. A study by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and Imperial College of London found that 60% of seabirds today have plastic in their gut. By 2050, they expect that number could rise to 99% How does this plastic end up in wildlife? When plastic is exposed to sunlight, it breaks down into smaller pieces. These small pieces of plastic end up being ingested by marine and other sea life. As plastic disintegrates, it moves down the food chain. Animals, like humans, are not designed to consume plastic. Ingesting plastic can lead to a number of detrimental health effects. Many of which we are likely still unaware of. Hemp plastic, on the other hand, is biodegradable. It is also non-toxic. Instead of filling up our seas with deadly petrochemical plastics, we could create sustainable initiatives to recycle hemp plastic safely. 4. Hemp plastic is extraordinarily versatile Did you know thousands of everyday plastic products could be made from hemp instead of petroleum? Hemp plastic can be moulded into almost any shape. Uses of hemp plastic include: • Electronics • Containers • Toys • Cosmetics • Bottles • Bags • Car Parts • Boats • Furniture This list is only a fraction of plastic products that could be made from hemp. Hemp plastic can replace toxic plastic products in every way. And unlike petrochemical plastics, manufacturing hemp plastic is environmentally friendly and cost- effective. 5. Hemp plastic decreases environmental pollutants There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in history during the last 80,000 years. Rising carbon dioxide concentrations are responsible for the warming of the earth’s