Melinda Reed for write-up in Sorell Times, “Cool Cow Vans” coffee and ice creams (Kelvin &
Leah Emmerton) and their generous donation also to LGT.
ABC Radio, WIN News and 7 HO FM radio. All contributed to ensure a great day, thank you
Breaking News:- Please help us get LGT to Melbourne HHI Expo in December
Little Green Trailer Tasmania has been invited to be part of the Melbourne HHI Expo at the end
of the year in early December.
This is something we have wanted from the start of the LGT project, and the education trailers
have now become an accepted and valuable tool in education and legalisation of Medicinal
“However” there is wee catch…. As you all know this entire LGT educational project has been
funded by donations from all over Australia (couple from overseas), and we rely heavily on
donations still to keep them on the road and doing what they were built for “educating”
We now have to look at some fund raising events to raise the money necessary to get the trailer
across the Bass Straight form Tasmania to Melbourne and back again…
We will set up a ‘gofundme’ for this, as well as our direct credit details as below to continue to
accept donations. This is your chance to do something constructive for the cannabis cause, and
thank you in advance for any donations you send our way.
Please keep those donations coming in,
Banking details as follows:
Little Green Trailer
BSB: 814 282
Acc. #: 50645003
Reference: 'your name