Little Green Trailer Tasmania (#4)
Finally finished and launched at
the end of April and ready to hit
the road.
A couple of outings have
already been undertaken with
more to follow, with the next
being at a local hydroponics
business in Hobart (Greenacres
Hydroponics in Mornington)
date to be advised.
In May, we were invited along to the Claremont RSL by the
CWA Tasmania.
This was a massively successful event, as we educated patrons
and public, the CWA were handing out hemp cookies from a
variety of recipes for people to try.
As we have said, Little Green Trailers could turn up anywhere, keep an eye out for them…
L-R:- Linly Wiggins, Lorna Jorgenson, your editor
& Tasmania State Opposition Leader, Rebecca White
The launch was organised by Linly Wiggins, whose late wife, Libby, also remembered on the
Trailer with the late Natalie Daley and my wife, Marilyn - R.I.P. ladies.
Linly did a superb job in organising this event, and we thank him sincerely for his efforts.
We also would like to thank, Okines Community House, Sorell (Natalie Siggins, staff and
volunteers), Volunteers girls cooked up all sorts of goodies for the day.
“Gwen Egg” Okines Community Garden, CWA Tasmania (Lindy Cleeland, State President),
Rotary Club of Bellerive (John Grimmond, Rob Grey & Andrew Polanowski) for organising and
running a sausage sizzle of the day, raising $245.65 for LGT.