The Leader Newspaper // Special Features ANZAC Day 2019 Supplement | Page 12
District ANZAC Day dawn services
The Angaston community will again be holding an
ANZAC Day Dawn Service on April 25 commencing
at 6 a.m.
The service will be held at Angaston War
Memorial and will be conducted by Chaplain
(Squadron Leader) Tim Hodgson, RAAF.
Groups and individuals are welcome to lay
wreaths during the ceremony.
The Angaston and District Lions Club will be
providing coffee and the Angaston CWA Branch
will be supplying Anzac Biscuits.
Gold coin donations are welcome.
Dawn service at 6.15 a.m. held at Tanunda
Memorial Gardens, followed by gunfire breakfast
at the RSL Hut, Tanunda Recreational Park.
10.30 a.m. - Muster at Tanunda Post Office.
11.00 a.m. - March to the steps of the Soldiers’
Memorial Hall.
11.15 a.m. - Commemoration service at Soldiers’
Memorial Hall, Basedow Road.
12.15 p.m. - Lunch at RSL Hut, Tanunda
Recreational Park.
Gather at 6 a.m. as the Nuriootpa Town Band
leaves the corner of Murray Street and Gawler
Street and leads the parade to the Sub Branch
Clubrooms at 7 Memorial Avenue.
Join the Nuriootpa RSL for a dawn service
and laying of wreaths followed by breakfast with
bar facilities, coffee and tea available in the club
rooms. RSL Hall and will include a wreath laying ceremony.
CFS will provide a “Gunfire Breakfast” after the
Service for those attending. (Any donations made
going to CFS).
Last year current and ex service personnel and
family members marched up Memorial Drive to
the memorial area before the Service and the RSL
encourage your participation again this year.
“Sing Australia” from Gawler will again provide
musical entertainment.
Wasleys Institute (Annie Terrace) followed by
Robertstown War Memorial at 9.30 a.m.
followed by a sausage sizzle at Robertstown
Community Centre.
Gawler Kapunda Mount Pleasant
ANZAC March commencing at 6 a.m. from the
Freeling Post Office (Corner Clarke and Hanson
Swan Reach
Streets) towards the Dawn Service at Freeling
Service from 6.30 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. at the Swan
Cenotaph on Grey Street,
Service at 9 a.m. followed by a community
Reach Soldiers’ Memorial Hall before a breakfast
Refreshments then held at the Freeling Football
breakfast at Sedan War Memorial Hall.
at Swan Reach Bowling Club.
Clubrooms (Cherry Street).
ANZAC Day Dawn Service held at 6.30 a.m. at the
Gawler RSL sub-branch are holding their ANZAC
Dawn Service at 6.15 a.m. at the Soldiers’
Memorial, corner of Mildred Street and Clare Road. Memorial Hall on Melrose Street.
Day Dawn Service at 6.15 a.m. in Pioneer Park.
Service followed by a gunfire breakfast.
After the service, all are invited back to the RSL
Gunfire breakfast following the Dawn Service
Guest speaker is R.A.N Commander Chris and a military display covering all Australian
Hall at 7.30 a.m. for breakfast and light nibbles.
There will be a jumping castle for children to Jones; Jennette Mickan, vocalist; Adrian Laubsch, conflicts since 1900.
trumpeter; Ken Thomas, spiritual readings and
Brian Jones, Kapunda RSL President as MC.
Eudunda War Memorial at 6.15 a.m. with
The Dawn Service will be conducted at 6.30 a.m.
refreshments at the Eudunda RSL rooms after the
ANZAC Service commencing at 9 a.m. at the conclusion of the service.
in Memorial Drive adjacent to the Williamstown
SUPPORTING RSL: Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, more than $1,250 has been donated to RSL sub-branches in the region through The Leader Commemorating ANZAC publication.
At Monday’s cheque presentation were: George Radley, Nuriootpa RSL; Ian Easton, Gawler RSL; Tony Robinson, Managing Director of The Leader; Lin Leske, Kapunda RSL and Trevor Klose, Tanunda RSL.
Hon Stephan Knoll MP
Member for Schubert
Lest We Forget
8531 2466
Shop 5, Murray Bridge Green
Riverview Road, Murray Bridge 8563 8444 8563 3636
129A Murray Street, Tanunda
[email protected]
Lest We Forget Lest We Forget
With the kind assistance of the participating businesses, The Leader has been able to provide a generous donation to the local RSL sub branches
12 - “The Leader”, Commemorating ANZAC, Wednesday, April 17 2019