The Leader Newspaper // Special Features ANZAC Day 2019 Supplement | Page 11
Freeling RSL is right at home
By Liz Alderslade
Based out of Mr Garry Shearing’s back room
hideaway, the Freeling RSL feels very at home being
able to relax at their meetings.
The RSL has been notorious for temporary homes,
hopping from clubs to pubs to institutes.
It was during 2010, when the RSL nearly went
into recess, that Garry, president of the RSL,
decided to move the meetings and gatherings to his
While they are still looking for proper clubrooms,
the homely aspect has been a great place for the
members to gather.
Garry said, “They feel like it’s their home. They can
bring a beer, have a beer, and get that camaraderie
and chin wag going on.
“We are very close knit. Out of the 21 members,
some of them are current serving members. I still
get 10-14 to a meeting. When you look at ratios,
the big RSLs in town can’t get that many people
coming to meetings.
“We have been up and down over the years.
We nearly went into recess in 2010. Since then, in
my opinion, we have kicked goals by being able to
win a community event of the year. I was citizen
of the year, mainly through my work with the RSL,
Mr Garry Shearing, Freeling RSL president, with some of the war memorabilia owned by Freeling RSL.
Quality Butcher
and also won the community project of the year,
ANZAC Park.”
Garry was a serving member in the Defence Force
for 21 years, working as a Chief Petty Officer marine
He enjoyed his time in the Defence Force and
was glad to join the RSL in his home town to meet
and interact with other people that have served.
Freeling RSL, in recent years, have held some
very special ANZAC Day commemorations for their
They celebrated the opening of ANZAC Park on
October 28, 2017, the Centenary of the Battle of
Last year, Freeling was one of the few RSL’s in
Australia that had a Centenary of Armistice with
the Barossa and District Pipe Band playing a specific
tune at the same time worldwide.
Garry said Freeling RSL always love celebrating
the big centenaries and armistice’ since there should
always be celebrations at the end of conflicts.
Freeling RSL had fireworks for the Centenary of
Gallipoli battle, which went really well. The club won
Community Event of the Year for that celebration.
The family friendly RSL is always open to the
community, since these days there are for men and
women both in the defence force and they want
to provide that extra support and community to
those families.
It’s the same with the ANZAC Day football
matches. Garry said it’s important to give a medal
on the day to create unity between everyone.
“The service members are still part of the
community... A lot of farming communities have a
lot more spirit than other areas,” said Garry.
“Whether it’s rain, hail, shine, or something
goes on, community areas will always come
“I hope everyone comes out and supports ANZAC
Day. Don’t forget your local servicemen are still
just a person. Building the relationship with the
community is more important to us.”
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With the kind assistance of the participating businesses, The Leader has been able to provide a generous donation to the local RSL sub branches
“The Leader”, Commemorating ANZAC, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 11