The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 9

l ,\'ovcmber, 1920 • TII~ T..\ \D~\\ OM\~ Something that Begins with "T." M\ C 11Ar>1£R .of tlw world JO) mornlllg" th:.~t about it~lf,', Nu-.e. Wa:. By Kay Cleaver Straban. effPrvc· "0 nt thi.., u of it bubblrd 0\'Cr anll f'Vf·n to ll~'arly neighbour. '-OIOr; " I 1 lw.tts me, an-,"Y<:rr·d nf'::lrJy neigh tour .. how )O U r.lln ~I" nil th1<; h(·rr," he ind catl'd ati 1 thi.., IH·rf' by a w.tvl" of hi" hand, which indudOrt fro m rnc that haw convmc<>d him that £ trn a n un}>( ltf'VI'r 'f he trouble• '>tartcd Jong age. n I told h 1m that, m ... t<'ad of bl'li4'ving an C •od, I ~~li< vro wi th (,od. " \ nd b} whilt right," hP .t ... k<·d, " au· 'ou 1 ;tin • , our ... t If up W1th ()od ~ " h ht n-~. But ~nv i-.. a friE-ndl) <•od," I"tl; " I le lti:£'S to 1x- <.e-t up with." " \ nd m\ Go d , ' ' h c .... u 'd , '' ,.., . m t h e B 1 I > I c· . ' •· Onh· • ... urc•l) ' '-and I mt tnt no lea<.t >it of 1rrf'\< . , r< n- c.' c--" ..,u r c l)· )Ou an· not contr nl tc lf·nve JJim thc·rc I '. But n<'arl) neighbour walkt•d awa) and would not h-.k n to me ;tny more. \11 of m' fam il} and I h..tve be<>n enormo~sly ( rod . thl "' m'onth making our gar~ens and cleanmg . · h c C:..evcral ume each \ear we c I ean 1 lOuse our do.u:,.. to the mNhodo:; of that most cxcell,.nt or tn l"> • 1 •• " t 1 •tu ' "'k<•C'IV'r Thoreau. \Vc " nse ear} i we o.,e 1ou r" n ' i tur~ out o f d oors on th e gra ..,!> · '• · •• ·tnd 11 -.... O'lr fur \\'<' don ' t <'xactly " d;t'h the water," nor use . a nd for ... touring and a broom for S b l l''' . . ' . ;~ \~h~<' whit~ furnitu re , 1 mcan.and thank (.00 that he could !>it He would ~top he aid of a furniture wan .... and stand wlth out t 1 h<> would be quate unablP hou'><' ; a nd ~u rel)' suhr? y . bdona(>({ to a rich man ro tf'll whether our t lllgs b or tO cl poor m a n. • h · thcv be- T have a fe w ptecc~ of ;~~=o-:~ 1 ~ o~arJr~e library ton~( d to r:not h<'r-a .~' 1 1 ~r~ ... able, some c.lndlc- tal>lt . a spmdl~-leggc. The rcmamdcr of perch- ..,1 ant!..,, a nd t\\ o cha t re;;. c;tcamer-P• I w h Hf'. Truly p< r{ h-Nhliu~·s b•g 11\ mg-room ..., a lh\ing r<)(llll J~v•n Lottn, though ~he't --~~ llw \\hy •n the world I won't put a cetling in tt, in ... tt•,td of .tllowing it to " pc.1k right up to thE' rouf .111<1 "how all tho<;ro untidy r,Jftcr " mt. \ftt r the rooms I have b<'t n in br"l), J>('riod room•, n( w art room ... , it i'>-::t-an-an ~ ~c.­ Ill .t roundPia\ , :lnd • But }'Oll undl"r ... t.,nd Jll( or cou rosl'? '• . I d1dn 't 1 t11· troublt• with the :'lrchitf'ct '"'" that hr nr \(•r roulc.I ttuitC' think his thoughts. "You rn~'an, '' [ suggf'<;tt: ar<"hitect and 1.. . .\bout our gardening 1 am not a<:. <:nthu .... t .... tll' ~~-- T .tm ab conknt to I~ practical and pro ... aic. But gard~"nmg -..('('llh to be the -.on of occupation alxmt . whiC"h ont- shou.hl \\'a"< romantic, or at least fanct£u1. and I {:ln \. \ot about veg. •'lblt gardening. It i... gr~tbby wlCillrl" \\ ort 1 l pam t'n" I t- and c;me 1 od worth ~mf'llin~ a gn'at rE>d-h~ad<'d POPP' h 1 '~ 0 ,u'r . pmkc;-hk(• t .lt. 1 >U of p<'lunh's an .. -' cannamon a > tun• h !'\ r in the world woulu end-. Ion~ ~aut:uumm<'r dan: puttin~ up all of h.•r Ion~ beaut•f~l down) fruit 'co'r the wintPr (or ..... t down! -.hP "a\" 0 tta mi.._ ... e., "uno;.rt... to l.>.tk~.: month .... ]\ht to c~. t ,· ~l;e rf'g.,d-s rcst~ur.:tnh :l~ pie .... ju"t to ·a . . den~ of dt1>ravit)· .. I immor.ll 1nd S<;en ... ai, .. sa\<> Lolt.t, fu ml\ : ltk<' to know \\hat I am cat ~· louth in that u~.hl and then c;hc.• :-~\way ... clo ... rc;; rr n 'he- ha.... ,. I . r.... .\n•l " \ ou ar<· not . I ,,., (' • • l\~nt t knO\\ of Ill' 1 the• ·trgut ' • r , of cout,<', l'l\t... t topp<"r than the ,l,llul~ <' mor<' ,.fTrc-thc :~rwttn<'n ... I nr('\atrcl f.t<"t on.l)' I 11 h\'tOit' ' ·I ull<'r ' a u dO<'" not !'a~ : " '1 he -.;(I m<' '' 10 ) o 1 ott • • no<.(' io;; pu~. " • )l" a t l\\' 'onwtinH'" J ' ).'Ondl'r .. r. '' • ') Your world "' t o~tnd'