The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 2

THE L. \ ~D~\\'O~f \ '\ Nov1' mber • l9lo ch<'(>rr·d h<:r up, ;tnd by the next da~, ,~ht:n ::.h1• had hf'ard the JUdg• s dec'"'on, even tn<<' vf an) thing but joyfuln,.,.., h 1d di<;appt'ared. O..,hp<•r o;<:~n lllg contest tor .. nwmb< r ... o f thC' ,\"s?f'rhaJ."- 1t Js sn orde t• to ma ke th<: te-,t Jhl $('\ ,•re- b ut cc rta . m I Y t h ey h.l\1! no t ' "H th 1 m. 1 mwrs of o ur o wn p e t . d.trllllg s a t horn •. 1 ' f ht )' ''-Crt' so b<~ d thts tlll l<' tha t tl}(• 1) 1111 ~.Jutch t<·d a ")H'n~tl pMag-ra ph ?. 1 t h<·m ! But the < ond lh JOn th<} Ciltllc t agr eed " it h th~ re m a rk o f th1• t.- Crkk , York..,. :znd -E .• \lk n , Sum ·) . 31 -d. .\ . f)ur\\ .ud , )~ ..,..,<· '··· ·, urn\ • Butter in the Ma kin g . [ ' Darly Mirror. '] \\ilh great pride that h· r • mplo}•'r . had ju-,t r1·flh!'d an ofTa of J ,000 guin• as for her hc1fer ! Th(· d 1in applianc<"S ah' t}.., fa>o10inate me at th se ..,how~. All the Jat1•-.t IIWt nti(m.;;, and ('\<'r}- OH' 'I · '\ <>rns, boo to the goose nex t door from h is missis, he stretched and ~· retchNI his long neck till he wa.., as ta ll a-. the splendid land gi rl in w hose arms he was march- inO' throu•Th the ~t rcct::. of Lo ndon. h '=> but that da). a wa ) thing polislH.'d likt' ..,jh·t:r. 1 don't rhink I ..,hall J.>... really happ) till 1 h:ne g<· who ar(' so [,.. 1Utilullv groomed (can fowls l~ gr<>0m1·d?"t a!'k .\lr. ro,wJJ- Owcn !) the) look ,ts thoug-h the} have no ft• 1thcr-., at all. Ou(ks, tur- ke\ -., who -.,(•<•rn to be o;o mu{h loo b1g fo; thdr pens that th<') gin~ the int- prcs ... ion of bt ing shut up likl' a <""on- tertinn ! and the moc:;t dignifi••d g'l't~t l <·ver ... ;,,,. Som, of the Toulou-.e bird.., lwd ~u< h a ~agging bag in thc1r n~ck ,.,.·hi('h g.t\.'c th(.·m the apJ>I ar<~nt·e of .tugust old g< ntl<'m<"'n with ixoard..,, so much so th,tt }Ou irhtincti\cly look('(! for thl' hl' reall) quit1• a o..;t..ri<>us aOair, bl'<'ali!>P ti1er..: \\,1'> ..,uch rt Jot On rc m ore the liberal y<>ar laughs out 1 to learn O f tx•ultry applwnc"' and f,td!> thc·re \\&., ( ) C'f richer s tores than gems g o ld : no f'nd- from a ne w automatic fcc>ding a rrang{>· O nce m ore with harvest song and shout fllf'nt by whidl tht bird.., had to knoc·k cown thtir h ~a t u re\ bloodless triumph told. food a grain .rt a timr, to a patent " so early in 0 favours Pvcry )t>ar mad<· new! tllf· nwrnin~ ' ' door \\'hidl \-OU could lock up at 0 gi ft s with rain and sunshine sent I nigh t but '' hid1 th<' l> rd .... could o ptn nt cock uow! 1 h<' bount} overruns our due, I pt r-.onnlly w;h ,·cry in tc r<><.tt-d in a perfect litt JP Th e fu lrw· .... hamr-s our discontf'nt. modi'! of a woodNl :-.ilo. T ht· <•no;ila g <• !») ~l<· rn WrHTTIFR. i~ ... uc.: h u \\OtW('rfuJ idc,t, .tnd I ... ho uld bt g lad if unv of our rtortder s who h a\'e this S\ <;tcm a t work • Oh, good g igantic smil<' o' the brown .old rarth, on tlwir fc~rr n would write an a rticle l'Xplaim ng all I his a utumn morning! How he sets h1s bones tJw in ..... tnd ou b to th05e of u~ who h av1• not · O f To bask i' the s un 1 a nd thrust" out knN'!- a nd fN t 1 ours . th(t climOA:t or the exci te ment was the milk- • L' • J e to run o\·er ' tn • tls 011rt I 1. l3R0\\':0:)\Cr. POr f h • npp · or - ... ·' · Re,< n·<>.- P . Il~y . E ~sex . 5< m~ of yo u will . r e m e m ber ~li ss Crkk, who won the fi rst pnzr, as the very tall g i 1 l ,, ho marched at th<• head of one of our London procc:~~ions in 1918, <-a rr) ing nn .\ vJ<,bury d r ake . A s a matt<:r o f fact, th