The Landswoman November 1920

Vol. Ill .• N o. 1 j NOVEMBER, t 920 · The Journaf of the Land Girl and Every Country Woman • Editonal and AdvortUina Offices, P,io•y loda._ o,pinllton. Kent. The Dairy Show. 1920. E~es" Prize Dair~ Show. " John Wild at the No "hO\\ [" Daily to th' • land.,womnn J ),,r~ Sho\\ h ,b J ~ \\ r n 11 "" the D ntr} Sh ow, an h no H)lO " OtH' 1'\'f'r b(( "0 wonder.ful ~~"'<' " \\ htC'h bt ·•t t ht' j.._ n rf'mf'mbt>r l:hl ~o · Bull . . tn t t>r e " un..... t:>d ~ · prcvtou~ \Nlr "aD • . . t tll" j\<>'rhultur~d ' to aw,l\ tl • c .., how" · n 'Ph took 1 llall but this year 's -.ucce'>~ "m \lso r "·'" qlllt~" 1 brea;h of the augw.t "th(. " "how, 10 the '-11lurt thing to do, to go • uht h \ 1 ~ ' AS<:ot in<;tcad o f at J " t'n,,.ton . 1 't · 11 pounng • ' Ill evening the crow d s th a t \\ere oming out, 1n d tht'l l' s 1 Infinite!\ greate-r than thos<' cd ., ntere .. ung, n~ 11 0 1 to b r VOUI \\t>r<> so . man} t h' logs to S('C ' an k tl h·,ppcn<'d .. h matter what side of farm ~vor qsiblf' to do th<' JO , 1 rf't'Ord of all Commlt~~~·n ~<'rt' PN branC'h, "'"" thorough ly in that on<' it da> · T~·a . . down thrre thret \[irrM . , - \IIMt ,. and Gtllfrul.}