The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 13

,\ltly, Jl).lfl !IlL A Letter from a L.A.A.S. rill ~lill~\·li~". I ho~\(• ar fl\j'd .,,, , .1~ tfl ~:HH I 111 lt I<., Jtl~l fint. 1 .trnvrd ill \lt•ntn·.t •Jn :'oV1·m ~r rS, and w .... thr• f• t1 H ' J h,.. '\lf'OHn; h.' 11 fill' t t 11 ;.,PIIIIlg up herf'. · fi J up t t• 1. hnllhtt to ~mow J.,t\\n·nn· tn:f:r '' .ts . 01• and tht> \\enthf'>r low! j 1,.., 1 :tl 11111 1 • lmg-ht sunshint• and l,!u~ .., 10 , not '''O • old t·ll ht•r. ( t•nt•,Jg-qJ ., sit . • h . d ~ • f'})IOg' IPrth on I<' tr;~Jn ''" \V:t.., vr•n <'omfort·bl I . ·• r • llw •·•"1' oul .~' rt> nrt hug'', V~'ry rliff 1 r··nt hut Ill n· f 11 111 the,,.. 111 . l·.ngl.tnd, f • 1 omfort· ,, 11 ) ( \\ i 1 h l'\"l't ~ < < nv~·tl!f·ll< 1• or u Ion~ jf>UrrK y. 1 nrriHd in 1~ unl~ on :-.:ov(•lllbtr :t1, \dtr•H• fll\ J.rotht·r llHt nw. , 1 nd \\ ,. dro\ ,. ho.n~r· t~' hi~ farm,· two and half 1111 t 1 • .., oul on I hP pr.unc, Ill h~-t ... 1, igh, , 101 1 lxoli· H' 11 w I w.t ... thankful t0 b~ lwn• SJt J:,~t F.trming out hen j, vr~~ difl,•n nt ro,Tt f.mnin~ in Ln~land. !-l,t..,katc·h ''an ;, the ~T!.':tft'..,t wh 1 , 11_ .rrowing- prO\ in e· in ( .w.Jd,t Or 1 tndll out ht r• ~11111 .., _;.2o .H n• ... with< ut .tn\ h1 lp, t·xu•pt .tt b; 1 r\:f'~t ti 111 , , wlwn h,-. g<·n,·rall~ hue·-. a man to <..!(){}le thf g-r.dn. ·.n <' r··~t,on, man 10 \\ork so mu• h !.tnrl hints• If • .., })('c,tu ... r· th<· rarmNs h< r,.. u..,. impl< 1111 nh whi< h cov1 r a lot uf ~round, working from four to ,;, hor-.1 .... For instano-, .t \\lith ... ,,_ hor ... ,., tan harrow 40 n<"n_•, a da~. .\lo.;o with a 2'hPIJllt drill ,lJld fl Uf hor ... (·'> h1• (',tl) -.;() .2() eH r<•, :J d,)\ 1 () a· nl.lll \\ith ,;.,. h tr-.e., on a IW1~fur \' :.!,,;1'' plough ('an nv•·nl~f' f1v<• an1" a dn). Tlv "unr· \\ th , 1 bindt•r, \\Orkin" four hor ... t·'> on .tn ~- •I '1'rul• r. n.., a cla} '\., tlH' land ;.., ~ut into ll Mrt r ... , e- 2 1 l'Oih, is JbO .u·rc·..,, b.-ingha!f a miJ1 'qutrc, .1 1 t r Jll,tK<''> )t..,.... turn-, in a <.l,t~, eh it h JuJ I mil• 11 11 otH 1·nd to tb• othfr. Orw thlllg' t'hat ..,lrlll k nu· w:t.; th,.. -.i/.{ of th< lt>r ... , \ot• r .... 1•ing 1h1· hug• <'••rt-h<'r'', in l:nr:- land th<' hor...,1.., h1 rt 1< oke d Vf'l'V -..m:a1J, 1>1. t f found 'th<>rf' wa-. a rNt ... on for it, 'th<• f.trnwr .. dt ... irin~ .,,,. • d more th 111 wc>ight I ltvf' ,1\vm· out on th,.. pr.uric and Jt j, grand. \\\ h tw• g-lorio~ts ... unri._, . .., nnd o.;un..,f't "· and • hl· moonlight night-. .tre wo11111•t r atf' lik<' 1 h<• damp of Engl.tnd "t' 11 ""<'llh ,., L\:'\l>~\\0~1\~ in Saskatchewan. oltrn do,., • • 1 ' 1t • • 1:. -.w h ,, \ <'r) d 1 \ Can,H.Ia. :.tmo• p h ,..r, · Ill -.o plca-..·d to rr"t• l\1' the '\, '" nb< r !."' ..,. \\ (J,\1 \" and am look in<• fon\ ,tr I to 1 hf Ch hi l""ll" In ttw XC>\I'OJb<;numbfr I,~ .ou .1r<• form· in!{ 11 :\',l( .h-.ooi.uiun of 1-tnd-.\' .. ;onwn, .tnd ,t, I \'.r o1w '1 .1r • if "''t H~u 111lht ]t·t nw know ht>W nnu h l o\~, . ' ' · If }OU tnank thi~ lcttt r \\ould intN< ,.,, th(' rf'adt r ... of 'I Ill! LA:o.;nswo'H~ P' rhap:-; ,,,u ''''uld 't'IH.l it lo thr Eelitor. ' • I \\:J-. \ r ll~ <'hild \\ ,,, < nj<·~ in~ hi~ lir ... t g-lirnpv• of p.• ... t.>J tl hfe. Oo ,, litt!t ... tool ht ... ,t ~· ... idP th•· r trlllt r \ \\ jf,., \\ht) \\,., plucking- a chkk,.n. flp watcht·d th•· <•j><.·r;uiun ~r·" 1'1\' for· -..umt· unw. 1 Jt, n h1· ~pokf . · ·• Do) r•· vff tht·ir • loth1" t Hr) ll!~ht, lid: t " " hum a11d J/om<'. '' Lord 1.,... , \\ ho '"' on!' uf thP forMtl., ... t .1uth01 iiH' Ill lhj, f'OUnlr} on poultr: 1\..,lrtllg, rt'lll•Hkf'IJ rc•u nth thr• m.ut \\ ho kr pt ,1 tlozl'n or '0 1 hh kr n-. 111 lu., ba• k g.trd• n frf'I.Jilllllh .t lot to 1 ont•ntl .t~.tin ... t, 111 proof of '' hid1 lw ,·lt• d tlw folio\\ tn;..: .ut!'c dolt• - " \\hut urr ~ ou pit 1 ~ in holt ! '' .hkt'd unt 01.111 of h"' rwig-hbour " ju-t r~"pl.uuinl-{ ... m• Ill' l h.t t • ... • :d " ' '"' tht- n·pl " ...,,.,d-. ~ " I•'\ I l.t llh d 1 hP tir ... l Olll'. " It Ion I<' li" 11 •· of Ill\ he-n ... !" " It j.., on of \onr h n ... ' rl'plit d '' llw "~'''' arf' in ... id•·." -- Ottt,.S IA--. , r t • ,.,,. c - - ,;'1\1 - IOC)