The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 12

I Ill \ \ ()"'' 0\1 \\ Reverie Oundle Wood. ll thr floor. \nd 1\•1\ .. tnit ·, httg"httr, I h 111 m:-11 ig<•ld wd nont' :tH \ nc 1 \dtul it'" d;uk, \\ithin tlw J< eh I h<', li!{ht a till\ g)<)\\'-\\ I rm t• H h. To fr·ight('ll bah with l~'.tlll< 1 win~'· \ nd g-ho h :111d othf'r t'\'il thing .... Hut l.ttM", \dtt n tl • muon i' ht il,!"ht, \nil 't~r .. :-trf' b.urnin!!" in :hf' ni~ht .\ntl Jirtl•" < wl..; '' nh .... Ut<\ r f'\r-. I >t-.1111 ~ th<' forf'-.t '~ ith rh• it 1 rit '• I h• (,1 r) f,)lk, '' ith and -.'wut. I· r 1111 '\'( 1 \ cloor 1 tHnr r u .. hing out I I) ,, lll<.t up 11 thf' dr \\\ gr.l ...... \ rll:tll~ 1 olnut•' -.o llH thing- that ... h.tll not tlllh tflc' pt r•-.Pnt hut .... h .tl l n •: tdl ft, r\\ .t rtl to th~ j, .1 111'11 llllllll'. 1' 1111.1 11''> B RO(.lJ, -.. ' J hc•r" 11• l'tl" bu t litt!t tn (•Jlcour.tgf l>c•.tul\ in th 1 -.nul, but lit 1 1 ~ to cl wak<" ll tlw -.luml.wring c!ll~f lt- ~1 \ J-:1 I.RIJ:-.U, Success with Sheep. T H E rap id cal and 1 :-e u-l'l IJ{ c .. ,..,(ul sht:c·p fe<>ding r-:, nor in ,t limtted pPriod of -.w!lit.g :>U( akP, corn, and ruoto.., but in tlw gradual and \1111· limtou .... gto\\th frum hirrlt on\\ ard!>. I t j., tlw -uic' of l h<"cks whkh lamh:. rt" t P iVC' d uring thrir t•arl) l ife which thro \\' th rill and d£>la\ tht·Ir l ? I~ 0 F IT£ £ R I N <; rapid fat trn in g. · I..unb- thri\'f• much bfttf'r oo arable la nd t han on pa, . • tw·,. lo:tnd and \ f't tl '' the ('M't:>p(io~, ,tn~l nut tht' to g r ow aO\ oth•·r crop'.., f':\.cept ... Wf'd 1 ~ HI HI rul1• turnip . . {(lr till' s h N·p. If a li~t lt· !or•· thought is <·x<•rchdl tt 1' q u itf' pos ... ib lr thnt pro· vision could bt• m:tdr to k('(>p thr "lN•p I on tht arnblf' la nd ~or t.hf"·: part of t lwtr I I\,.... . 1 I· n tnll" wou Id nw I