The Landswoman March 1920 | Page 9

.\far(ll, 1920 I liE ···-·· L\~1>-.,\\0~1.\' l t~,~ 1'11n 1111HI, • l • Mrs. H erbert Cote. of San Francisco, ridinR her pet lion. IlerbPrt m:i\ ride on a lion, it m d.-t . .., r<•.tlh . no ditTt·n'tll'<' tu u' ~tr .... 1f ,hi' r i OWl r ... \OU ha\t' not g<~~. Longing in v.1in for ... om• thing--- For 'omPthing-\ ou know not ''hat. TirNI .1nd dirt\' and happv, Clo-..t to our n.ltll' al .;;oil, F•:1'ting on wa~-..idt> l){'allti~". \nd brP~Ithing- tlw air of toil. \\ • F:1r from tlw .. mok\ dt it>.;;, \'ar from tlwir hurn· .md "in. \\'ht>n· ~:\turP·~ arm ... h.1\• otwnt• to whom art is b:lrrNI. Hem l.tll we ...,till thi-; craving Suvc only by working hnrd? • ..... ::"11