The Landswoman March 1920 | Page 8

Jlll· l \'\Dlll th.:lt .. be no hP( ... , lhot~g this su bju.:l, l" elv•· \\htth -:.he put '11<. th~oug ' on . hl\ es had arrin-<1, • ,., :-,h ... ud l wo ne \\ . ,. c- 010lll h , a~o. • d ·d my· fn cnd "' or -' ( b h · , \' .i} l V Ill lll CO l f •<>J[ mu th e lx: e'> ..,,> \ h thought tn prt p.tnng a hot;Jc or 1 • }{t qut·.,t had Ill .td\·atKC of actu,d r u {Uirt'l11''1ln 1sc.nt b•u ... " ft o lll d f " l ov t r n ""~ alrt.1d) b,.. n ma t tJr . l disundly a c.t~ o f th count) c..\.po t , ,tnd l t wa:. :.v far ::.o good, -.o very g.oo~ . bt:'gi nn.:r.., Ill a sirnil.u 1 hen~ are sur, to be man. 11 . ur.,tt 1!-> (',(':> ~) d~~:~~~r\{C .light grt \ . 1 h colour l t Is bell• r white, ,~· l l l .., ~ on lose:. • Hr) mar "• and on I ) tuo ... o . . 11' nc\\ I IH~~. l 1 11 t l hi\ I be "' t up on grouud not wrfc( ' u r 1t ,., h,1rJ A :\ to impro\'" up0n . . . . , _ .\ noth(r point t lf llllportamc \\ h lch I \\ ou ld mtn titn to bcgtlll't'r., ~~ to tx; m o~L carefu. n.ol to ace~ pt 1 ... from ·' di-.:ri t t or ... 1pi.1ry in wh1t:h tf't'<'ntl~ , r ha-. b(' n M), n n li~ht , di"f~~l, or i r~ wh rh I' ,,tlrncl' of di ... rd 1'Ct ,.ff,·rt'\ f'. To rPturn l o m\ t r i1 nd \\ ho h 1 •out to )1, ~i n t IH -k 'p in ~ 1f .uul \\h•r .. }v h Jf <.id " 111 :t <.ounl n h ~tu ... o• \dWrl' th<'r• j .., a "JI·H ioth !.!'. trd1n w ith ·• L•rg-· · q u ~nl i l\ •>f flult - 11 • ., bo th in th g-.1rdr n :tnd in arijoining- ore h.rrd ... \, IJ , h .• , H I f'!l"f nt , n-. !11 r <: .. of f<•rtili .. n. til•r ,,f fruit blo 0111-.. Thi-; lady fri1• nd of m inP 111. 1\ lw'n•' . :lllu pr0\'in0' n.oofi t:-rhl" 1 · 1 . - ..1 f'J ,_, I " ' () llliiH n d 1 .rvuV :1 I '"' ·1 hi~ ic; fhP T hin h. i l o\ l't ,., • . ' c rooli"h 1nd (lmorou., · • tw · n-, al ~·lltJ d '' C 1 • sion 'a~id<' o 1 >Jcc · Thru . . t lld \ j.,it .. omt·niH' w ho ha-, btlf•s )tlll t ,l ..;u . r l ~ " 1 .,. gt• , hirn to t• ll } ou ~om(• t h' tng a br)UI ~nrj 1 t ncou_rag l . nd doing ... with lw. lx (•s. \ .,k hin ''~ 1 ~penrnC~'' 't ... t t , 1 nd t:tke in han<.l t lw 111 ., ~ to 11 1 10 h 1 , ou · • · '1n ~ , ('p · .. ·tt ~ 1 nu•. For my p:ut , I sh.tll ; 1 h\- tll n 1 11\ <' • I I" f· I. . t,~ ·tn J>k r(.' tll • • • • 1 , nn\ l'l1tl'rpri.,ing' lnqu u·(•r. . I . ' • H. R ) I. . " (, ttr, 1' 11111g 11111\ /ror t,·,J •. ... b<'cke<>Pf'rs. 11011 "~':'\C:Oil of th,. ''~':tr to rom•' f (I " I The Home Curing of Ham. Mct1 1 nd'i and Systt m s Dr'irribcd, ()\ T R \RY to the . 0pini~n.., of no t a. !f'W i>{'op!,.. there j, 111 .1rt 1n cunng ham . 1 o 1\l,lkr a ,. good 1·ob ;, to p n·s<'rV(' that d<-iic 1 1 hl thoroug • . . ~ . . • ·I ' 1 ·n:our wh1ch 1..., :so c 1a 1 :tctrn!>llc of tJ 1 f' 1 oo l h .... ot lie n ' ' ~ . f . , • l t home-f<'d meat. fh<' t c ar<', o < om s1 , many ~ffft•rE>nt 5,strms of curing-. ham ,, but th.• follow. ing are t h<' most J>Opular m th" < o unt1 ' :-~ n sltdzirc Me thod. \\' lwn < uring- in what i<: kno\Vn as th e " \ViJt. . , 'l• 1 t 1 od " 1\rst tah.l' thr ee n iu · firm ha 111 .. ... 1 11 rt ·' h 1. l . ~. \\ t•i•rhing about ro lb . t>,tr 1 n 1u t 1e-m With r om. nwJ~ , 3 Jt to d 1 Ul"~" tht' lll tho rou g hh , lay thm 1 in cl Ql '{')l I ar tiH nw .l.t''(' pan, and rq><'~ll th" OpPra- tion ( \\ir•• mM~ at H~te-t·vals of twenl)~fou r hours, n·mo,·in" thl' duty hnnc at the c;ame tmw . Thrn , h:n ing ~H<'p:trNI a mixtur<> compos<'d of ~ lb. of , , 1 Jtpt"tr(' hruisro to a rnth<'r fin(' powd r' r, a similar proportion 0f c:alt pnm<'lla , .llld ~ lh o f ord inan ,aft. ,wll .,jft l"d t og ~"thl"r , prO<'I"I"d to . n th it into c\·l'ry portion o~ th e ham .. , put tlv m. till<> a rl~an p: 11 , and r uh d.11 lv fo•· thri'P cb~ '· ~to n n g th" \'f's~l in , 1 C'\)ol plnre lllf' :t ll \Y h il( : ;~t th<' <'XJ?irat ion of thP rrr· . . r rihrcl trnn lh< \' should h-> fairly c;oft and pli,th!.. Empt~ 13 lh. of brown rnoi~t c;ug-nr-ham .,twnr, ne: tlw .. p<'rin l kind c:old for th<- purpo"r i-. ::r ~l'rally rnll('d- i n to n lar gr snuc~' pan, a dd roo lb. ,f c:alt. :1nd 6~ lb. of g-ood da rk trl'aclf', pour in :-; t::'.11lon" of watf'l, :lnd boil th<' liquid for "omr rhirt\· to fort' minutl'c:, c;k imrning- fr<'qU ~"n tlv until it ic; . ab-;olut,.h dNlr. Po ur su ffi ri f'nt o f thP boiJ. ing- pidd" OVf'l' the hnmc; 'to <'ompl<'tf" h' immrrc;1• th;.•m , r o\'1 , th " pan rlo-..('h', !-l'l a hf"avv \\f·i~ht upon thf' lid In kN•p i l well down, nnd l E' ~ \'!' thrm in it, turn;n~ thl'm :1nd rubbing thl' picld(' wr'l\ inl() llwrn Nlrh morni ng- for th rN' WN·k c: or a m0nth \ t thf' r>nd of thic; p4'r iod tl1rv will be fi t roit hf"r fnr (·:ttin!!' :tt onr<' or f or c;mok ing, but a g-rr•l"n h:tm. r>r"p:m , n.1h it thorouc-hh' intn ~'wn· P:t rt of thf" m,.,at . lm· t h<' h amc: in :t dl'f'fl o nn CO\ 'I'r thf'm with thn ·mix turf' and ll't . t~m ' r~'':lam c I \\ . tl h ;~ \\'e1g-ht a.<.; de ... r rr '"<' 1 C . . ~ ,, (r nnt in u {'(l n11 Pa t:r ()~ ) l