The Landswoman March 1920 | Page 7

M ar(1t, 1920 • - - - ~ ..1 I ~ ) I ;o lj) --~'<.-;/ J J __,_ -~ , I 1:.,__, ~..._ =--- - I /\ ( f )~~, f;{ f ~~~:{ -- .. - .._, _......, -- 7, ' ,., -~ "' ' ~ /7// I ./~ ) )_ ~)" ~· b \ " ---- '"'" -- \ - ) - ' - --. • Conc.llll'n d .tl l.t-.1, .,fw <"ould n .,j.,t n\\cxmin•r I o the g-round, wh< re "h' l.t) fo,, amid th -.t 1 ,,\ "' .\nd ( bl•..,idt· h( r, mi't·r.tbly ('rooning. Blind•·d \\ ith ..,orrow, forth inw the sun J 'tP d to work: nl\ . lon<·h . ht·.trt ~t!l .... c.-re \\ ith ~rit •f, wht·n, ... uddt·nl}, I ht ;trd a ~un ~,J , ntii•..,..,J) ':\f>lodf·! O h, nt H·rmor1 ( ·.·n I forg-•·1 \\hat f<,IJ0\\1 d, '' \\ ,,.., .,,,id I lwrr•, i n thf• .... ul,.mn pn "''IH'r• of lht dt·ad. - • " ( < ''<~rd!" t.J, ' d, to I ... hrit·kNI.• " p, ltru.m! 'J hu ... mf.tmou..,Jv to murdt • 1 Y •u uf t ht • d,•ft m, I• ,, m.u·r I ~ t 11 111Hrk wh,tt follm\ ..... jud~f' him if If ht· bf> worth) to be callr>d a man 1" H u c .111, .. If • \ou wou ld know tlw truth of thi . . .~ff.tit ." "n., ht-, frowning, the ,, hilf' hi ... f"rU• I lip f' \\ ,.._ ... lffiJll~ tnOrf' t h ,lO J,, )){ l<:okr-d aft,r h: ~irl Old 1: \H 111. (Cmztllllti'J from Pa~;. 51.) -.omf' of h< I' childrrn h3.\ C' f>',C.apf'd from hf·r \VO brave .md ~trong to lw.u, that f'\'f•n lh•' W<•t and told and thf' h:1r.,h \\'tnd.., IPav•• th ·m undauntf'd. P•·rh.qh tlu ... ong ol the \\ ind is the gn·c.HP'-1 ol .d t 'I ou lling fore" :-tnci lulled in to quietness Ol· 1111 . itt 1H "· 111 r \ '" I Ollltl l'w':tl 1 in Or< •~h....,!'' Jt \' • ~.,o,(.c, 1 hl 'f t\\ Cotlll" I o-{l,l' ( ,, .• 111 to tall the cow.... I -.t of tlw "hot•• t';trth l':\1111' h) nH- r.dhng- lllf'-,\lld l r.111 hP,\dlon~ dO\\ 11 th(' ..,Jopc· .... houting , " \\•ortd. I um <:omin~ r .un ( omin!:!' ' " :\1 \RJOR!ll li \\'001 ~OTII . '\orthdown, Ch~lfont. ~t Peter, Buck-.. - - •