The Landswoman March 1920 | Page 5

' \I a u:h. t l)2n THE LA~DS\\ 0\1 \~ ' • Feedin ~ Time. given o;houl to llhltrl' that thP hinJ.., c;cr',tl< h fn·Ph ur1til th( lac;r g-r,un i-; found. Tlw J>r<•Vi<;ion of ra \\ ~rN'nfoNl or root-. d::ul~ j, :Ill other < orr<'cliVt' of intrt n~tl ht, .md . 11 thr '-:tnl" tinw givr•<. a nic .. rich rolour lo th,. 'olk. Grf'1·n fo{l(/ lllU<;t h(• pr0\•icl1•d naily and not <;pac;modicall~. 1o tllrt• 1-:••••- Eolt n - O nr,. f ..... ,,.,.~•tllr« c;;t:u to; it ~ " . t"oo ~ h mo ... t difficult to dwck th" v 1' I t ·s a wry wi<-r. plan now and t h< ·n to placE" a fc•w markcd <'~gc; in th<' nl'-.t•bov ..... lr:n ing th~'m th rf' for the d ay to "e~' if thl'\ a1 r ratrn \\'ht-rP\'<.'r cgg--Nlting j, • Sll"J><'C:lf'cl St \'f"ral '>()('ci.llh· tr~'atf'd <'g"g~ c;hould bf" left 111 thr t,cl'\1'" One!' .... amplf'd the culprit-. \\111 not br \ 'c' r"\' n Ctd' to tn tlv·i r own <'gg-c;. Blow out th ... whitt• of nn rg~. !t .w·n~ th~' volk intn<'t, lhf'n injPct Ctmmonin f'ou r tht> apE'rturr<; with '>l.llllp-Ni~ing- nnd pl3rl' thr- cg-~ in th1 11~''•t-bo"\, ot 1'\'<'n on th<> fl0or of thr houc;~>. ( h1 old-till1(' \\'a._ to fill "lll ('~~ with :\ L'OO· ( '( 1 tion o f mu,tnrd, .... tit, vin ... g-nr, and Pf'PP"r, hut aftf'r n tim• tlw ~'g-g- .... 1!• r-. d• vour ""Uch tl(•:ttNl < g-g-..; with n li-.h . 1/, lJ> t1tr Bird~ O ft<'n tlw 1'!-!'g"-<:.upply is n f.dJ. Uti' hr·r;ltt<;(• thr hird" :\If' 100 fat intC'rnnlly. \\ 1th toll ... of hnrcl f.1t hindt'rin g- .1nd JH f' Vt>nti"g th(' func - tion ... of thf' nrgnns f'g'g'-prodtu tion is retardrd '\ , nnd r uc;ually add n [Farm and H onu .] I"•"Jloonfut .. r t. l.tuh• r'-. -..tit to thl" hot w:~tf•r uscix bird.., "'' t . \' nth• r 1l.n for n w11 J..:. Th" IH'n" arl' mnd,, to '-uatch for all ~1.1in f('(J whtlt th1 v n•c.-.iv·• .111 .rll n ,l,t'\\Nl frf't• l,tl\~t' \~h;•n· th1"' h po-.-.ibl,. B\ ~~ 11th "lJllf'''"in~ t h• .tl.x.lorn• n of t h.- fu\ I \\ ith thumlJ :111tl fingPr 0111 t.m ri'adil: :t-.<·crtain thr- hiuf', tnndition. The flf,h tould fc,.l o;oft and pli.tbl•', \\ hf"rP t ... it is thit k and t,1' in .m ovf'r- hl'n ll•pr<:-.l'nlin~ thf' .unount of fat lrning- t hf' .tl-donwn ju-..t hPII<','Hh tlw ... kin a hirthda\· f'\'L'T\ 1110ill{'l\t of 11 j, tH'W to u-.: \\'(' arl' born ngain, rPOPWM, for frl' h work :tnd l'nd•·avour.-G F. \\' \11 s. E\'l'f\ d. t\' "' j;-, .. '11 ~ E XIIIBI"I TO'-: and ~ (,'d to th4" '\ ,tt on,tl F'-dcration), to b" hE>ld at thf' Priory vhool .... ~hr<-w ... bun (by kind permission of the> ·( .ovr nor._) on Fridav and <:iat\11 d.l\ . April 16 and 17, t f).zo. TJw Exhihitinn will ()(' opt IH d bv Tlw I .Hh l l.trlf'rh on \pril J h, :lt 12 noon .. md by Thr I..Hh B£'rwidc on April 17, at 12 noon H:JnnPr tnci c11 · tifi<'al(·<; will h<• pr~'"<'n tf'd b, Thf' M.IN hion,.,s-. of Camhridg-t' ~t .l pm. on Frida~ . . \plit r h Admi,..,ion. Cl'n<'ra l public, 1 1 3. \\·. T tlltllll-w' ... howi n v. b.ui~· o r mrmbf-rship r:-~rd. Sd lion l• xhibition <:;(•f·rctar~ : ~~'"" Cot bt t, .:4 P 1 oOI • "'hn W"'httry 53