The Landswoman March 1920 | Seite 4

,\ larch , 192o I JHI 1.\'\f)"t\\0\l\~ poultry Notes. • wen-owen, F.B.S.A. By w. Po r ultry Socrcty.) 1 \u.tAitll ll,rt.l l )J,•,uL , •/ ( olll tl' . pi\ • :. 1':1 .l qu('v (''Y'y • ..,up O\\ co.~r'l 1 incr<..:l"" lll~ked:. 1 tn;ght Hpl) to ti 1 nm oftt:n a.., • 11 ·cted ., It 11 .,..,..., l.ud are eo l . h nul m .- !:> t at ~ t.;i;o . • ried into I r .u - • · 1)(' but 1f car 1s not 1 fll lt:l;l • · month' put lt k qx: r \\ .n lll 1 2 . I uc~ c\ er) pou r). . Id otht:r\\I'C ,)(; I b c kt.:t than "ou u ore t'f:'l>" lntu tIC .ts th~ ~..asc. the lu:.t plau. (g-g:. < /Jvh..: t/ ,\t::.t-J.;v.\l Ill\ llllltj 11 1 .u 1 ~: !; ~ · J lw 1 pt '' Lr)· ~u 1)1.;1. h. lulk:.t L'\Lt.nt, \\1\IL l tl.~) .trc w bt.: \N:d tu t c I 1 do not IIW...IIl:. tlwt tht') lllU:.l .tllr.t~.:t th• .t)er-.. ull\ltltU , b :-. -.u tong .1::. ll 1 ~ t ol.Jt:(t to .ltl tlt.ulgc· o. nu.>tll.t"t: · 1 ':.. ~ u'l ::.uulld ,,rullll' • \lt ., t uc-,t-~Jt ''., ll c 11 llll(•t· , •g-c.utln • <.~11< I t I '' J • lt t ot: •r ' ' "' - prt:.LI , 1 1 ~ tcd lllo•lllr"L Jlod-:.... ll • ., dlt to ... upJ:X:. Jlll.ll ll ~ , «•T--. I H I " I I t•-(.ltlllt> h nut pl.:,ul l!tl·tli'L 110 . ( Ob no 1 I· ·oo • ar/. ,\C.) IS. Lo\~ lll.:>t" \\ )Jt 1 c lmd' 1 \\.allh otlv b wlwn 1.1) in:;- h:;ht or ti}Jlll ... t.., 1 \\ lltrt the l.tH r 1 an ~u· to (<~t · 111 ~ egg th. t 'PI " to br(.tk ,,~11 k.ttl up tv q;:;;-•·.ttmg '>tut n•r~ I rtl) .tnd h,t\( the t t of Oll\t~ .I !NUt \\\O lt't t lllllll th~' top of tlw Jlou1 vt hll• r anJ at the· hottolll ltt 11, r. 1)1• .1 1)4 rth fut tht• \\hule J(•ngth, ~o tlw h11ds l•lll tl) up to tl t •• l'lll• t ing th•~ llbh to l.t~ · 1'1{1,, rh• llt:'>t·bu\.• ... , lll<~, 111 .1 tl.trk p.lrt \I tht.. hnu , 'O th tl tlll tlltqHH., ,.,,. ~h.H 1 t'- ti1 cul.u npct tut c .thout 11111• incht-. n di.tlllclfl h <.ut ,,.., the , ntr .ullt.:. H• tng hutg~d one end nnli buttUJl• d at t h otlwr tlw door j., ea .. il; opell('(l tor cl(.tnmg 1 urpo ... • s. .\ttr.Ht the la)tr . . to the rear, out of :c.1ght of oth r hen-., in the following m.10ner. 'I hrr or four inmcs fwm tht front nail a b.rtH:n :llfO s th J1oor or the IJC-.t-UOX :111d put the llt -.(tO~ mnt rwl h )Ontl the bnttcn. '1 he bird \\h• n 1 nt•·r- lllg lt.'P" on to the wooden part ol tl~)r and tht n c•\ tr th h.•ltt•n to tlw l,t) ing d· parlmf·nt. On thi ... I" 1111 ip1 thf' nr!ttang m tt••t i:tl n lllJin-. Ill lad ..... th b11dc; t .. .HliH•I pull 1L 'ul, whidt h .1 po·c nnd .u11ao\ ing- h tlut. ,\ L'~t-Jio~ \la/,•,wl-1 g-g-e:Htll!; oh< n q.trt .... thr UUJ.:'h lh1 br< 1king or Ill ~'!.!'!.!' Oil thl' h.11 tl floor of lh• bo\, 'J Jt,. J,,, r -. unplt•, tlw UJ>ph -.wrc o 11 · · .1 .1 J ·ggs arc :.hcllcd 1 a p tu 1 } an u C\ Cl} th 1111, I h~ I L' l 1 lC c . . t> ut ks Ill clocl<-llkC fa~hwu. '' '1/hllmg the Egg~.-- 1 o £.nablc the l.t} t•t tu cc,J. 11' j, nt -.h•·ll-i01 ll lll1g matLn. d th r! J t.. mtr~t lw ltt' -.u lt 1 I f 'I" t'{l bt fun• ht'J .. 11\\.t).., .lll ~unp c ~~pp y o '>lwtJ. \, poulll) ku~pet:. con fu~c g n t wah ~hrll; tlw .ut) ,-cl' J • tlntly ~ vital n 11 b f I b lll!{lt't!Hllt. (h..,ter .._he. IS 'j a r L H' Cl> l, With ,.J.(c -.hdl , 1., the ... ub . . utul<'. One ran nw k P O)..,t< 1 1 1 '. , 11 , 11 1 · f th••tt: 1.., dlllit ully in p roc. urmg t he n ·,tl l'••"lllt' ·' ft•\\ m ... t< r .... ht• ll.., a nd pi ne. t hf'lll ,11 t' 11 ·I •. " 111 .t IHII'I,, t tlw bnttom of which ha !:> ~·<'n CU\ ('rt> brok<'n u p for u"t' 1 tcmbl: ~~~m 1 · Ovcr-jat 1 h us.-lf tht" l.t~ t t... ar~ .dltl\\'Ctl to l>l't onw fnl int(·rna lly tht>y :.u c n1~ to l:n -.c 1 ft.-.hc l!··d c•g-g-• Jf the la tte r do not r .... ult 111 o.:~g-- .tllllg' tiHit' • .., the n e hotlolll 1 l.t\ l'r of -..1\\