The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 17

Jur~r, 191 'J LANDSWOMAN'S OUTFITS DIRECT FROM:THE "ALL BRITISH " WORKS F Valur· f.: 1 n ng·m' your o utfit d rect from NQrthamptrJn. (Jj{ "ing reaso!l' rhc ·' All Bnt sh " r ha e \\ orlc , ( > sr ' d.rec.t £erv tt~ cheme' ('nables you. wb• re er yon are to obr • n the finest matenaJ, combrned with t e tin~ workman· ~h1 p, at pnct-, alm~t mvanably below tho-se c~, rged for the •ame quality m any loc111 M Lig departmenta 1 tore. • It is n•Jt nec:cs~ctry to ta •. e our y,ord for thss-sPnd for lhe _,:()()()r; you requsre and compare them w1th th~ !lold el"' where, noting quali ty n f materta l, style and p ne~. and you will o;ee at once tha.t this " \IH~rltlah " r ff,-r mean a d•finite a.vmg m hard c:l<.h Send )Onr o rder to-day on our SPf~CI \L FOCf<-D.AY APPHOVAL 1-'L~N. part cu!ars of vhtch you w1ll tind at the foot of th•s annouocPmcnt THE L AND SUIT St> le .m l ti ng, rt is cut on !in~>• whach e'l.penence has pro\ed the mo~t comfortable for ec1~ a nd t rc t-dom ,.,brl"t at rhe same ume 1t a extremely smart a nd 'becouun.:. Mad~ m Drabett<> T r t· < wt has a deep ' tep Cvllar. watb band round "'u~t Len~tb of Coat -41 ins The Brt>eches are ~trapped and bave laced kne '$. Coat • • price Breeches • Comple t e Suit ., .. 15/- 12/- • LADIES' " FIELD " BOOT • 26/- SPECIFICATION Stoc: '\o 12;6 Tbt> uppers ue of a a 1 ct>nt qoahty of hide-tmootb, stout, and exceedingly pliable. Its durabalny is e:r:traordmary, and the statchmg and workman shap throughout are of equally brgh gr;ade. The "leg" IS b1.:h cut as 1llustratt>d there 1S a watertiRbt bellows tongue rt>achmg aho~e lace boles. leather lined Quar rer, carefully machme-shtcbed a"d u-dl rnn/otced-t>nabhn., rt to r~1st heavy stman. " Field c au " pattern, with adJ usta ble straps a5 tllu.•trated Tbe sol~ and heels are o( extra stout solid le.1th~r of the 'ery best quality na1led flush "tlh steel shu:" which enormously tncr eases the "hfe " of the sole Stocked In all usual Lad1es' l'>s, full fittin~ only>~ P.ttd. 2 5 /- OUR FOUR-DAY APPROVAL OFFER. S end ca!>b for full omount for rh(· !IONls you st>leet , and we wall •end OU nre not ~ar l~ fied with 'onr purcb:~~e. retmn 1 t wrthin four d ay., m fame comht on as rec~t\td .1nd W( v.·all rel 1 urtl ~our m o nf') in full \'ou n <.k notbln.: .1nd "e .. uarantn• to &atJfofY ,·ou. TRl'At., l RV N OTE<-> SllOUI 1) 1-L\\ A\'S BE SI NT BY Rl:.Gl STFRED POST Illustrated Catalogue Free- ERNEST DRAPER & CO., LTD., Dept. L. W., "ALL-BRITISH '' WORKS, NORTHAMPTON. f'uau mention TH E LANDSWOUAN u ilt n 11'"''"1 11 LADIES' " SPORTSMAN'S COAT ,. T he tl!' uurC" f'f the " All Bn 1Sh" S~IQrt,man C~tt,aheavydouble stO•lt H•1ll, prec ~ly ..s that u <"d <~.ltt:r tb~ kecoe"t tec;h by H 11 M~t Jesty's Go' ernment an treuch w ... Th ~ proofin.: ts tboronch tb rou11.hout and ot super QU.lhty .1n.t \\e w arr ant Jt not onh tor.cnttal rainproof. b ut capable of wu b~tamho ~: .111 eh matte t-Occl" Jt ' ' full cut <;k lrt and coat are h oed ~ uh m :mlateu le.ttht> rt't~. and all st·am, an. ~ewn an d tape. I tbrouabout ~tock ~aze~ : S rze, 1 .Z 'l • Bu.c .. t Lenat h Pnce ... • 4 46 36 ~& \3 .50 40/- Carrn£o A dt u t•urs . •o ~.z J'o&hl