The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 16

)une, 191 ? THE LANDS'-"OMAN ll11' Ill f'IIO r 1 O(IJIIIrllf" rf If .! "I )!Ill t \\11 1 11 \f..,, 1,\\) 000 llullht•, tr••l( >'' J.lu1•hl••. "~'r\· nlolv tn•••lflt•l 1 ~~~ bay fhn lllt'lni~Pr nt tho "om• n'11 T.n111l \r '"'. Ton AJ•l!! tl•" ••od of t'1e mCI't llllf n la arty r het r "•'" )ll\('n tn our "cretnry wlwn he ~tot IIJ• tn llfllliHIIIN' .111otlll'r 1111 .,, •lllllo( lt!!111 '11 fh< dAy' JtfOC('et)I0~8, thllt ll f~'lt lJ 1! I)" I'll IJTfl~ld<•rl fur ll'l IJy the ntt'!JUlJCr& Of tbro MffiffilltN•, ,all!) \Oil In V gn~ ~ \H! \~t ff) aiJ lil(htccl as !Oml\ of 11 h lf "lrl,. th•• •· \1 Jw W('re "'"'·ml1l··d lflfl;dh~>r thr\t 1\ft .. ml')(•ll for 14 •' \11 stCY.Kl thlnS(s com<' to :\11 f'nd and. unforf nnatd), ours \~a" lll)t •10 ,."<,~T·tiod,, o. aft< r th<• '"·• anfl tht· YOt.P'l of thnnks t-o tbo 111 rn !)('" ot fl••• commltf<'f! nnd c)ur Ortl.llll~in~ ~· l'l'br)•. WA all •If J r,;j•cl to .~tch our ,.. "l~~'rtl\t' tr tin' for our hnm('\VI'lrd jnurn"y, tlms<'udlng 11. p rl••t d.1). ~[\V (rRllll'Ill"', J W \ , 1 turf \Ch, J.hndilo 'I E. t'mnJ., :.'\linmt' 'loul't•, ]'lwbf' Jonrot, 1' 'f. L\oyd, J;, Toll•, J na.otJC Humpbrh''• l'lod\\f'n Hnr.rh<' ' l:iUclf• T>av1e , s. J . Jon•·" \lay Philllt• , 'lay (;rttllth-. Lll;\· ~1mon-., \li(.'(' ~tylc11, 0. 'I 'lllltl\, \ \••\\ ton, \ . \\ llh:tm~ I~ T .adc II P:trn"ll, \. 'J'uonu <.; CIXKlt•. It C~ mll ·1•1 '\Pill!' J 0011 t hun, Ll~h- }).~ vtes, Tvy Wn11 ... 'f,n· ~ tll.:m~m. \11111· D~v1r,, l·,thcl 1;, Ill', C l\I . 'lhonw"', Lllum'Ttwm~~o<-, ~ .\ Da\JC'i, CI .. ~Jc J>rout, t.ta•mudd "at klns. tit A Party at Lady Jlke.ton'a Warwickshire JJ, .. unr BHultnu, \d 1 J'rtJ\\ 1 'fand 1 1 urt~ -.. 1 h t'OlllJlf(tll, )I d• J (orrl, '\1•m 1.11JJn~"• 1 ll.ot lllln• ~, J ''' 1 h• '1<•11, l .l:uly-. 'lonom, II1H Prt.'(>N', l.JJ .. A Jt;u;tl )( H :1ly, 1 •• t n1tt, " "ant-. •: K•rl;y, 'far!!' J.,·an. Jll,·n }'rankllu, )da If ITJ)(•r, [ ,.) 011 HuN ffi'\n, Ruth Uu:ton, n. )1. lronq. !.llt>n }..ant> f lt l'r rr~. \11<"' "'hArpe, TlulY•JIN' ,h•lt(•c, 1: •• \M"•It, :l\1 rtha ~nw!ol. ~[urth • Burdock, Dorotlt\' ('oo)..,r J'la\ lh ... Coop, r, 011\t ( 0\)pf'J. 1 •. l..J I\1-ATU•,:\ora llarrJ'hll, 1:. nTT•et' ,J(Int: , ) . LltUPrll" ul, Ho. T '•tt. J:thPl 'Irrruum. Hl111t lot' ROJ.!"T'", J it 1\ 'Ill' I hv k, .\tl • '-mart. G\\t'l,rtnhnt '" 1t la, 1.1 1P :'-J•llTI.Ilt•, 11 1. lcd~tunr, , .,plr't ~'Inn!, r 1h \lnii:-, \ . :\L -.. ntl•rook, "• 'I \ plmn, J' Htron,, },IJit 11 2\ •rha'll.. })Hra T •n . \[ \. J Jllln~tun. \. Co(lr• r . .., .. ,..h )IOt•l'•. l.rul:"~ ·l Jll'rC!m \Ill\ -,,,irl"'• \lu. I; nrh' \lu1111t B arley,FiorPJH,.I,,.Jflm, \mu 1,, rnp. ].) ... 1(' < l rkf', J.ur' C'lnrkc, (;J,&d)~ C'nth 11. \lm \ \u,..tlu r ,fhl't \• ,ttt•, "hllralf' Jllrtl, t'.t!lll\' JPIIs, K. H.1•km, H Holt 'f \ .To .RIIh~aon, ~arah l'ltotl'hl•r \J;~rj:!,Jn•t ],J.n, k. J,tJtv llult••n, l.•htl1 l''a>:"''• 0. Y,all~liilll , J'loTI'llo'\' '\t>.al \ Tn\\ ""'JH), ~. ( lnrk,. 1:. \f I lv"t'T• .\da l()\\t . E111111,1 ..,tol.t• I h Jl.arri ... , Norlhants .\ •• Bra..lhury, \. Cole~. C.\{ Gtlbert, \{ {' Jtu.;,h, D. Ch:\prnan, ~. ~ortherort, 0. narkt'r, Q Ho"c~. J. '-~>r..:C'cb , ) ! . H ubb&rd. D. Payne. Pre~ntrd at My Lady' s Garden (In War-time) I wi)J dll! your ~ard<'o, d~<.lr, \ne! d.~.,r thr wmters \H·Ctl~, 1 \\all mk•' tt. smooth and tlnP \nd -.ow thr ~umm,.r's <;('I'd 'I: ll1t you mu"t p.'\y me iomnt hlng, \ml wlmt I Wl\nt le: tlu<;- A •umle for e\-ery plant, d<>~lr, For t·w ry seed \\Jl, .lt~;\11 l{;u •on . f)nrttth\ H l~TO\· L h 1\nll, \nnlr \ .. ),ton. \ :\r Ortou ht-n~m.t 1 '''m·. Ill • 1>:\Wl\111 .. , I• tal•l "· ·"~&rth ~ 11·\\\ .. on n·iu' Hill. c r.c•riC!'•h•H -.., I'Tuu .I llu' -..t.trl,;t•\, }' '-f4'J,fll'll'. \111\ \Y;ttf- I ,IJflt }-,,IJ, 1~. J . I 1•1 r. L \( I l"h··r. \hn· l'Tt<'l..rra'l 1.1~1< h•'\ \ \ I•HIIl'U 4, rn rt,\ ••oUfllCtt", 'lat'f'•l 1 •ltt'll. non ne·•· If llllliiHOtl, (r) d\ Jl•ll