5 24
8 24 EACH
4 49 EACH
3 74
NIV Children’s Bibles
Larger Print Children’s Bible
(9.75pt) includes 24 colour illus-
trations and call-out Scripture
passages. Outreach Bible For Kids
(8.3pt) includes an overview of
the Bible, maps, book introduc-
tions, and a table of weights and
measures. Both 21.5 x 13.9cm.
Paperback NI LP
438408 Larger Print Children’s Bible
(3.5cm wide) $9.99
Less 25% – Just $7.49*
438406 Outreach Bible For Kids
(2.5cm wide) $6.99
Less 25% – Just $5.24*
13 49
NIV Economy
Outreach Bible
This low-cost Bible with
extra helps is perfect for
churches and ministries
looking to distribute
God’s Word through their
outreach events. Features
include: Complete
Bible, section headings,
translator footnotes,
plan of salvation, table of
weights and measures.
21.6 x 14cm. NI OM
457091 Paperback $4.99
Less 25% – Just $3.74*
17 24
NIV Economy Bible
Great value with lots
of helpful extras: short
Bible summary, visual
chronology table of
the whole Bible, gospel
presentation, table of
weights and measures,
a short guide to 20 key
Christian doctrines and
themes, and book intro-
ductions. 22.2 x 14.7cm.
Hardback NI OM
427036 Blue-Multi NIV Worship Bible
This durably bound
budget Bible includes:
short Bible summary,
visual chronology table
of the whole Bible,
gospel presentation,
book introductions, table
of weights and measures,
guide to 20 key Christian
doctrines and themes.
21.8 x 14.2cm.
Hardback NI OM
428919 Black
427025 Black
425960 Burgundy
$17.99 each
Less 25% – $13.49 each* 428919 Black
428920 Burgundy
$22.99 each
Less 25% – $17.24 each*
Not pictured:
Not pictured:
NIV Large Print Outreach Bible
This Bible with extra helps is
perfect for churches and minis-
tries looking to distribute God’s
Word in bulk. Its easy-to-read
print enhances its user-friendly
feel for those who may be new
to Scripture. 10.5pt type. 23.1 x
Paperback NI LP
457041 Blue Wheat $10.99
457040 Orange Cross $10.99
Less 25% – Just $8.24 each*
New Testament (not pictured):
457043 Blue Wheat $4.99
457042 Orange Cross $4.99
Less 25% – Just $3.74 each*
20 99
NIV Large Print Single-
Column Bible
This quality NIV Bible
features: easy-to-read
12.25-pt type in a single-
column format, footnotes
and cross-references,
book introductions,
maps, timeline, and
introductory tables and
articles that show how
the Bible fits together.
23.5 x 15.3cm.
Hardback NI LP
365511 Black
Not pictured:
365514 Blue
$27.99 each
Less 25% – $20.99 each*
NIV Value Outreach Bible
Includes: sectional headers and trans-
lators’ notes, plan of salvation, and table
of weights and measures. 21.5 x 14cm.
Paperback NI OM
457034 Orange Cross $5.99
457036 Red & Blue Stripes $5.99
457035 Green Forest Path $5.99
473114 Blue Pier $5.99
31073 Blue Wheat $5.99
Less 25% – Just $4.49 each*
New Testament (not pictured):
457046 Orange Cross $3.50
457045 Red & Blue Stripes $3.50
457044 Green Forest Path $3.50
473118 Blue Pier $3.50
473110 Blue Wheat $3.50
Less 25% – Just $2.63 each*
14 99
20 99
NIV Church Bible
This Bible is ideal for
personal use or as
a quality pew Bible.
Features: high quality
paper, durable binding
with gold stamping,
subject headings and
translators’ footnotes,
easy-to-read double-
column format. 8.5-pt
type. 22.2 x 14.9cm.
Hardback NI OM
316132 Navy NIV Large Print
Church Bible
Ideal for personal use or
as a quality pew Bible.
Features: high quality
paper, durable binding
with gold stamping,
subject headings and
translators’ footnotes,
easy-to-read double-
column format. 11.2-pt
type. 22.2 x 14.9cm.
Hardback NI LP
359904 Black
359903 Black
316134 Red
$19.99 each
Less 25% – $14.99 each* 316148 Navy
316149 Red
$27.99 each
Less 25% – $20.99 each*
Not pictured:
Not pictured:
*Conditions: Discounts not available in conjunction with any other discount or offer. Discounts apply to indicated titles
on pages 8–13, 20, 25, 32–37, and 45–48 only. Discounts available 5th September – 3rd October 2017, while stock lasts.