The Koorong Catalogue Spring Edition | Page 7

trending B IOG R AP HIES AND MORE! 19 99 29 99 The Complete Book Of Hymns: Inspiring Stories About 600 Hymns And Praise Songs William J Petersen a nd Ardythe Petersen This unique book reveals the fascinating stories behind hundreds of the most popular hymns and praise songs. Find out what inspired the songwriters, and follow up the scriptural references for devotional use. Includes samples of the lyrics. 293283 Paperback INS GE $19.99 19 99 21 99 The Magnolia Story Chip and Joanna Gaines, with Mark Dagostino Chip and Joanna Gaines have become TV stars through the wildly successful home renovation show Fixer Upper. This book offers a detailed behind-the-scenes look at their life together – their backgrounds, motivation, and the ups and downs of making it as an entre- preneurial couple. 449167 Hardback BG GE $29.99 19 99 @koorong 12 99 Grounded: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You Banning Liebscher Whatever your season of life, you were born to make an impact in this world and you know it, deep down. Jesus Culture founder Banning Liebscher takes readers into the life of David to show how God prepares us in the hidden places of our life. Discover what it means to embrace God’s process and follow his calling. 447509 Paperback LIV GE $21.99 14 99 Bible Promises For Life For Women Broadstreet Publishing This beautifully bound handbook brings together a treasure trove of promises from God’s Word especially for women. The promises are arranged by topic in alphabetical order, making it easy to access biblical encouragement in all sorts of life situations. 384 pages – fantastic value! WOM GE 467370 Imitation Leather $12.99 16 99 17 99 FICTION Hope Harbor: Sandpiper Cove Irene Hannon A spate of vandalism and theft in Sandpiper Cove leaves police chief and single mum Lexie Graham too busy for romance. Ex-con Adam Stone isn’t looking for love either, but when Lexie enlists his help to keep a young local from slipping into crime, a spark soon ignites. FI RO 463114 Paperback $19.99 Also available: 440624 Hope Harbour: Sea Rose Lane $17.99 Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Became Parents Gary Chapman with Shannon Warden Relationship experts Dr Chapman (The 5 Love Languages) and Professor Warden team up to encourage new and expectant parents, offering practical guidance on a whole range of parenting issues, mixed with plenty of humour. Each chapter includes discussion questions. PTG PC 450081 Paperback $19.99 Worry-Free Living: Trading Anxiety For Peace Joyce Meyer Difficult times are part of living in this world. However, God has provided a way for us to enjoy peace as part daily life. Joyce Meyer explores this peace as it is presented in Scripture, and helps readers to develop a childlike attitude of faith, give worries to the Lord, and embrace joy. LIV GE 441434 Hardback $14.99 What Grieving People Wish You Knew Nancy Guthrie It’s easy to say or do the wrong thing when trying to comfort those suffering from grief. Drawing from her own life experiences – including the loss of two young children – Nancy Guthrie offers practical, down-to-earth guidance on how to really come alongside the bereaved. GC EN 452115 Paperback $16.99 Affiliate Program. Please email [email protected] for information. Swipe Right: The Life And Death Power Of Sex & Romance Levi Lusko Pastor Levi Lusko offers compelling reasons to make wise choices in matters of the heart – dating, relationships, marriage, and sex. With equal parts prevention and cure, he shares not just a list of rules to live by but something to live for: God’s powerful plan for our lives. RLS SI 457163 Paperback $17.99 7