The King's Connection Magazine Volume 24 // Number 2 | Página 15

Leder Family difference: JOHN & SALLY LEDER of the Supreme Group (steel and fabrication companies); JIM & MAGDA DYKSTRA, founders of Dykstra Construction; RALPH & JANE BRUINSMA, Triangle Three Services Ltd.; and FRED & MELANIE JOHANNESEN, COBALT Investments Ltd. These four families together pledged $12 million to make the school a reality—the largest gifts in King’s history. Their vision has already attracted other donors to the school. And the positive impact for the rest of King’s includes freeing up funds from our overall operating budget that were earmarked for the Commerce program, which now can be applied to other areas of the institution. “This is a major vote of confidence from our supporting community,” says DR. MELANIE HUMPHREYS, President of The King’s University. “These amazing new gifts from our donors will allow us to expand our Commerce program through leading edge initiatives, setting King’s apart from many other Business programs in Western Canada. Our current Commerce program is highly regarded and has helped launch many successful careers, but limited funding has so far restricted our ability to broaden our course offerings and faculty expertise.” Expanding King’s already successful Bachelor of Commerce program, the school offers a four-year degree, designed to inspire and equip students to be leaders on a global scale, leaders who transform the world they live in as stewards of God’s kingdom and the resources He has given us. “King’s is poised to deliver the next level of leading edge education in business and meet a crucial opportunity in the broader Christian community. We’re excited to partner with a group of visionary advisors and sponsors to help us meet this challenge,” says President Humphreys. Board of Governors Chair BILL DIEPEVEEN agrees, adding, “We need more people in business who come with a Christian perspective, who understand what justice and mercy are all about in the field of commerce.” The immediate result of the new school of business includes retaining students who can now fulfill all their requirements at King’s to earn their accountant designation, thanks to new Accounting courses. The school is also adding a course on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Business, and signing three memoranda of understanding with Christian Jack and Avlyn VandeBorn representing Ralph and Jane Bruinsma Johannesen Family The King’s Connection /// Fall 2014 /// 13