The Jump Manual Free Download EBook-PDF | Jacob Hiller The Jump Manual Free Download EBook-PDF | Jacob Hi | Page 22

Jacob, I have doing the program for about four weeks now and I have already gained eight inches. I owe you so much man. I have used strength shoes and other programs but I only gained about two inches. I have gone from just dunking with one hand to dunking with considerable force with two hands. This program is the real deal. I recommend it to any athlete who is serious about training. Alvin S., Florida Ok… What's the catch? This requires hard work, discipline, focus, and consideration. Also, excelling at your sport is typically much more than being the most athletic player on the court. You will soon find that you ARE reaching your physical potential, and you will still need to focus on other aspects of your particular sport. I have absolutely no doubt you will, with hard work, reach your goals pertaining to vertical jump explosion and quickness. You will enjoy a much greater degree of athleticism in your chosen sport, and this will give you a heightened edge over your competition, there is no doubt about that. I have witnessed this time and time again. Your increased strength and quickness will help your progress as an athlete to an enormous degree. However, the catch is that there is more to being a phenomenal athlete than just how fast or how high you can jump. I have seen some of the most athletically inclined individuals be the least valuable member of a team. Do not become the one-sided athlete who can only dunk after the game. Become well rounded and allow your new found athletic prowess to be applied with finesse to your sport of choice. Allow it to compliment your game, not render it lopsided. If you do this, your physical skills and other aspects of your game will come together to make you a better athlete than you ever thought possible. In other words, this IS your key to reaching your athletic potential, but it is not the ONLY key to becoming the best player you can be. Are these testimonials legit?