The Journal Of Political Studies Volume I, No. 3, March 2014 | Page 35

Killcullen outline a more detailed model for counterinsurgency. Learning from the war in Iraq, Killcullen structures the optimal counterinsurgency strategy on three basic pillars that enable for control of a conflict zone: (1) security (2) political effectiveness and legitimacy, and finally (3) economic development7. This model is pictured below:

It emphasizes how control of a country’s population is not composed of primarily of a military component. Furthermore, the need to have security is fundamentally linked to meaningful and legitimate economic and political development (Ibid). The success of counter insurgency, and as a result overall security, is therefore dependent on meaningful political and economic reform. Kilcullen also adds to his normative ideal counter insurgency by adding on traditional “ink spot” method of counterinsurgency, where an intervening force must first secure an area, hold it, build and develop it, then move to the next area 8. Together, these strategies were the normative bedrock of ultimate NATO COIN strategy in Afghanistan.


8887. Kilcullen: 2006

8888. Mills: 2006