The Journal of Animal Consciousness Vol 1, Issue 2 Vol 1 Issue 2 | Page 2

Photographic Credit and copyright Ia Why Animals Really Matter Dr Marc Bekoff, PhD Discussions about "Why animals matter" are extremely important even Proclamation of the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in NonHuman Animals at the Francis Crick Memorial Conference, Churchill College, University of Cambridge University, Cambridge 7 July 2012, watch video below. when we're faced with global climate change and economic and environmental disasters that strongly impact human well-being. For more dicsussion please see an interview I just did with Forbes. Here I ask, "Do nonhuman animals matter because they're conscious or because they're good for us or because they're both. I don't think either being conscious or good for us or both should weigh in on why other animals really matter. In a recent essay for Psychology Today psychologist Hal Herzog claims Source: we really don't know if a close relationship with other animals is good for us. He notes that the results for studies that have focused on the relationship between living with a companion animal and human health are confusing and conflicting despite media hype about how good it is for Revisiting the animal consciousness debate. The Society for Animal Consciousness™ 2016 us. Whether other animals, including wild individuals, really do anything positive for us remains to be studied and we need conservation psychologists to weigh in on this although many argue they (animals and other nature) are good for us (see here) and The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. 2 © The Society for Animal Consciousness 2016. Issue 2, Vol 1, April 2016.