The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 80



Avanthika S Kartha [ 10C ]
Kay went to the attic , and sat near the window . He watched as the moon rose with a soft , sweet glow . And from that high round throne did silver ribbons flow , bathing half of the whole wide world below .
Tristan had always seen much more than others . He felt more deeply the pain of fathers and mothers . Set to relieve them their woes , he sat inside his ring , and relinquished a tide of joy into everything .
Percival was a fairly normal child . His little brothers drove him wild . So , as always , he cut that cake down the middle . He gave each child one sector , leaving him too little .
Round and round went the carousel . Gawaine never in one place did dwell . He then went to the edge of a pit , dark and dim . He laughed and ran along the arc with no one to stop him .
Arthur strode to the centre of the roundhouse . The people ‘ round him fell quiet as a mouse . The boy exuded a monarch ’ s grace , his bloodline ’ s honour shining in his face .
Sharp eyes can weather stubborn rocks . Simply watch , and feel a thousand souls unlock . Give what you can , and do what you will . Knowledge can have all your wants fulfilled . Loyalty and selflessness will always return . Whatever you lend , you will earn . Have courage and take heart , and the highest seas , you can part . Mercy and Justice will forever prevail , and a King will rise among dark despair .