The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 79


Procrastination ?

“ Procrastination – while effectively distracting in the short-term – can lead to guilt , which ultimately compounds the initial stress ”

Procrastination is delaying tasks or works because of no particular reason . Some experts say that you ’ re procrastinating when you ’ re not doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline . The term “ procrastination ” is derived from the Latin verb procrastinare which means to put off until tomorrow . It is a common human experience involving delay in everyday chores or even putting off salient tasks such as attending an appointment , submitting a job report , or academic assignment

We might have a question within us asking why do we procrastinate . The answer is simple , procrastination depends on our mood and feelings while doing a task or work . It is not a unique character flaw or a mysterious
curse on your ability to manage time , but it is a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods . Procrastination may have benefits but along with benefits , there can be limitations . The limitation of procrastination is that it could affect a person ’ s productivity levels .
There are various types of procrastinators : Arousal types , or thrill-seekers , they wait until the last minute to reap a euphoric rush . A second type , avoiders , put off tasks because of fear of failure or even fear of success , but in either case , they are very concerned with what others think of them . Then there are decisional procrastinators , who are unable to make a decision .
According to Paul Graham , in his article , “ Good and Bad Procrastination ,” he claims that it is impossible to avoid procrastination because there is always something you could be doing . Procrastination usually happens when people fear or dread , or have anxiety about , the important task awaiting them . To get rid of this negative feeling , people procrastinate . Some people blame modern technology , and especially the Internet , for the
rise in procrastination rates over the past few decades . As much as we cannot agree with it , we cannot disagree with it either . At least once while searching for pieces of information we could have been distracted by different sites . And by the time we realize , hours could have passed .
We cannot stop procrastination but we can take ways to prevent procrastination . One way you can prevent procrastinating is by finding out the reason why you are procrastinating . By doing this you can understand how to make your tasks done in a better and enjoyable way . It can also help you find out an easier way to do tasks or work . According to Dr . Heath he says ,“ One trick for overcoming procrastination is to recognize how desperately you are looking for something to do , and see it is your mind playing a trick on itself ,”
In conclusion , Procrastination is not a illness or a sign of depression . It is a natural feeling that come to every human beings mind , even the organised ones can procrastinate at times . No one is perfect and so procrastination is not a sign of laziness .