The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 72


The horror of Disney ’ s live action remakes

Miriam [ 9C ]
To remake or not to remake , must have been the question at Disney studios , whilst contemplating whether to create a live action version of Alice in Wonderland , the first of many remakes of the kind to come , and how I wish they ’ d answered in the negative .
These movies , which Disney insists on spewing out every year or so , have received worse and worse criticisms over time , leading to a point where every Disney fan ever , would groan at the words ‘ live action ’ .
Let ’ s take the first one for instance , Alice in Wonderland , a story which amazed us and presented to us a fantastical world beyond the farthest limits of our imagination , the live action version , however , brought us a semblance of fantasy , filled with gory action scenes and violent sword fights , that too without a proper ending .
Perhaps , one might argue , Disney was trying to cater to a different audience , the movie was intended to be a sort of sequel after all and to that I say , valiant effort my friend , because it definitely did cater to a different audience and maybe it did serve as a sequel after all , with a grown up Alice , intended for equally grown up viewers .
The next notable mention , is Maleficent , perhaps the best of them all , in my opinion . because it took the story for a spin and flipped it on it ’ s head , giving love a different meaning and turning Maleficent from evil witch to misunderstood , albeit fierce , godmother .
It also sprinkled on a healthy amount of action that added to the story line rather than take away from the former movie .
Now I shall move on to the ‘ true ’ remakes , where the movie is the same story line and the only difference is the fact that the characters are real people and not animations .