The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 4

Mr . P . Jacob Chairman

Chairman ’ s Message

We had all fervently hoped that the academic year commencing in 2021 would bring back “ in person ” classes . But contrary to our wishes & hopes the Pandemic dictated otherwise . We had to step up and ensure that our virtual classes left no learning gaps and that both the teacher and the taught connected efficiently and effectively The aim was to continue to guarantee our children ’ s education and overall development . Like several other individuals and organisations we too had our share of financial challenges .
But we all learned not only to live with the new reality but also to be more resilient and adaptable . Our students who have been nurtured and groomed by our committed team continue to do us proud , earning laurels at national and international forums . Our teachers have become more tech savvy and research oriented , determined to provide the best learning experiences . The parent community too have adapted to the new normal and are our best partners .
Whatever the future holds , there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel with the possibility of opening up hybrid classes and vaccines for children entering the final phase of testing .
Meanwhile we continue to not merely maintain the infrastructure but in fact upgrade them to meet the new challenges and also to be prepared to open up as soon as sanctions and approvals are received . Till then let us all stay safe & healthy and pray that the new dawn will come up sooner than later .
My good wishes and blessings to all who are part of this Journey .