The Ivy Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 64

Collective Generosity

The New Parents ’ Appeal

For over 30 years , the New Parents ’ Appeal has supported the capital needs of Crofton House , ensuring that the campus and facilities can support the School ’ s innovative programs and evolving needs .
Today ’ s students benefit from the generosity of previous generations of CHS parents and alumnae . For new families joining the School , supporting the New Parents ’ Appeal is a way to recognize these previous donors and to ensure the legacy can continue .
2022 – 2023 NEW PARENTS ’ APPEAL
Funds raised through multiple
NEW PARENTS ’ APPEAL in support of the rebuilding of the campus

$ 37.5M *

Raised over $ 2.3M in cash and pledges
• Participation rate : 95 %
• 106 new families joined CHS in 2023
* In cash and pledges . Total does not include major campaign gifts received through this fundraising initiative .

Thank you to all of our donors .