The Ivy Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 58

Advancing Advancement

In the fall of 2022 , as the School was getting ready to launch its new strategic plan , Thriving in Possibility , it was crucial for the Advancement department to begin developing goals and strategies to best support the School ’ s priorities as articulated in this plan . With this objective in mind , it was first important to assess the status of the department , our advancement programs and the changing landscape within which we operate .
To assist in the development of this plan , we retained a fundraising consultant with a deep understanding of advancement in the context of independent schools . Barbara Barron , with an extensive background in working with independent schools and a focus on fostering donor-centric , stewardship-rich advancement programs , was the perfect candidate to assist with this initiative .
Subsequently , a 12-member Task Force , which I am co-chairing with Mariangela Brutti , Director , Advancement , was convened . The collective purpose of the task force , which is composed of a diverse group of CHS community members , was to develop an understanding of our current advancement programs and explore ways to deepen and expand connections to the community .
The end goal of our work is to develop a five-year advancement plan that will align with the School ’ s new Thriving in Possibility strategic plan . To this end , it was agreed that all recommendations would be aligned with at least one of the five strategies of Thriving in Possibility : Foundational Well-Being , Embracing Diversity , Purposeful Learning , Meaningful Partnerships and Active Stewardship .
Through a series of large and small group meetings , the task force succeeded in creating a draft advancement plan . Going forward , our next priority is to establish a small working group to focus on our future funding priorities . This work will be refined in the upcoming months and then presented to the CHS Board of Governors for approval in late fall 2023 .
I want to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Taskforce for their time and valuable insights as we performed our work . I am incredibly appreciative of your time and service .
Mariangela Brutti Suzanne Chong Lily Crowe Gayla DeHart Monika Deol Kelly Eng Jiti Gill Lili Kahkesh Craig Lindsay Daniel Nocente Alison Sinclair Bessy Wang Bill Weaver
“ Coming from the CHS Finance Committee , I have quickly learned that Advancement is about so much more than fundraising . The dedicated members of our task force bring a variety of perspectives , making our meetings enthusiastic and illuminating . From this context , it ’ s impossible not to see that Advancement touches every department of the School . Ultimately , I feel the task force has successfully identified the strengths , challenges and opportunities that will help us to build a superior advancement program for future students , staff and families of Crofton House School .” – Bill Weaver , Advancement Task Force