The Ivy Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 56

The Bains Family

Monika Deol and Avtar Bains have provided unwavering commitment and generosity to the CHS community for 22 years , sharing their expertise , vision and unique strengths . Their Crofton House journey began when their eldest daughter , Chaya , started in Grade 1 – a decision driven by Chaya and her enthusiasm for the math in the admissions assessment ! Their two younger daughters , Alina and Avani , followed a few years later .
When asked about their motivation for more than two decades of commitment , Monika and Avtar shared that they were raised in a culture that values giving back and that it is an approach to life modelled to them by their parents and their grandparents .
From the time the family joined CHS , Monika has been instrumental to countless events , activities and initiatives . She has provided her talents , experience and inspiring passion to every role she has taken on , including annual golf tournaments , galas , strategic planning committees , rebranding and communications committees , the CHS Foundation Board , the Imagine the Possibilities capital campaign and most recently , the Advancement Task Force – just to name a few ! Monika was also a Class Parent for many years , hosting class parties and helping to build connections and community .
Monika and Avtar both expressed the importance of supporting the capital campaign to ensure the School would have the facilities to provide the best possible educational experience . Monika reflected , “ the rebuilding of the campus was a natural progression : a new Senior School , the creation of the Early Childhood Education Centre ( ECEC ) and then Manrell Hall and the Athletics Centre . Parents who joined after the rebuild don ’ t realize the differences . We need to share that it is not about cosmetics , it is about creating the best learning environment .” Monika ’ s energy and vision fuelled the Imagine the Possibilities capital campaign and its fundraising activities , and Avtar lent his real estate expertise in many ways , including during the decisionmaking process of building the ECEC .
When Monika and Avtar look back at their daughters ’ time at CHS , the welcoming environment and ongoing parent engagement opportunities stand out . “ The School welcomed parents , and we were able to participate , and when our kids came home and talked about things that happened at school , you knew who they were talking about , you knew that teacher , you knew that situation ,” Monika said . “ You knew because the School was so inclusive .”
They also recognize the unique values Crofton House ’ s education has imparted to their three daughters , including confidence , integrity , considerate decision-making and citizenship . “ Our daughters were all encouraged to be the best version of themselves . Each one is unique , and each one was given the confidence to be who they are and to develop their personality and individual strengths ,” Monika said . Avtar added that “ a great educational experience is not only good for the child , but it also becomes impactful for the family , the community , the city and , ultimately , the country .” Monika and Avtar recognized how central the CHS teachers are , giving so much of their time and helping to provide students with a sense of self .
As Avani moves on to her postsecondary journey , we extend our sincerest thanks to the Bains and Deol family for their dedication . Their commitment to Crofton House has played an indelible role in ensuring our students receive the best education possible . As they “ graduate ” from Crofton House , Monika and Avtar want to encourage everyone to continue the engagement and connections that make the CHS community special .
We look forward to continuing our relationship with their family and hearing more about where the world takes each of their daughters through our passionate and engaged alumnae community .
The family ’ s commitment to CHS has been unwavering , and their contributions have significantly impacted our community , both in its current reality and its vision for the future . On behalf of CHS , please accept my sincere appreciation and gratitude for all you have done and continue to do to make the School a better place .
Mariangela Brutti Director , Advancement