The Ivy Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 49

The alumnae unanimously agreed that friendship was the most important aspect of their time at CHS . Their interview showcases the enduring nature of their connections and highlights the significance of cherishing the memories made during school years .
What advice would you give to current and graduating students ?
When asked about advice for current and graduating students , the alumnae emphasize the importance of seizing the moment .
“ It ’ s a whole new world when you leave Crofton House , so enjoy your time at school while you can ,” says Diane .
“ Make friends while you can because time goes by very fast . Enjoy every minute of it ,” says Margo .
They urge students to appreciate and cultivate gratitude for their experiences , even during challenging times .
A special thank you to Margo Ritter , who facilitated the organization of this conversation . Margo resides in California , having moved there after graduation . She raised her family there , balancing her dedication to family life with her tireless support of the community through volunteering – something that has always been more than a full-day job for Margo ! Motivated by her passion for serving others and her talent at community and public relations , Margo has organized countless special events , community projects and fundraising efforts for many organizations and causes . Throughout her life , she has shown great dedication to public service . Among the many causes and non-profits she supported , the Boys and Girls Club , where she served as president , the first woman to hold that position , has a special place for Margo .
We sat down with Kim Scarrow ’ 02 to learn about the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur and how she overcame challenges to start two unique businesses that stem from her passion for wellness and environmental stewardship . With Entrepreneurship a very popular Senior School course , we know many current students will be interested in reading about Kim ’ s path !
How would you describe your experience at CHS ?
The all-girls setting at CHS allowed us to focus on school and academics and not worry about the more superficial aspects of daily life ( makeup and clothes ). We were also encouraged to be ambitious and confident in both academic and professional environments , and it seemed that the peer pressure worked .
We had role models all around us who were striving towards growth and learning , who were not afraid to speak up , to be in leadership . That was really powerful , especially when I left that environment and realized that is not as common as we would like it to be .
Crofton House afforded us a space to take up space as women . Going back to our reunion this year , every person there had a strong voice and layered perspective . It was nice to feel that in our conversations .
Tell us about your path to becoming an entrepreneur and business owner .
Facing a health challenge during university fuelled Kim ’ s passion for wellness and inspired her to start her first business , Modo Yoga , located in Jericho Village near Jericho Beach .
I got into entrepreneurship out of necessity – university was a bit of a rude awakening . I was playing basketball for McGill and I did a full science course load in my first year , and it ended up triggering a disease that landed me with chronic pain . I managed to push through to finish my degree , but in tandem pushed my body beyond its physical limits . While doing this , I realized there was a huge piece in my spiritual and physical awareness that was missing . Coaching around functional movement wasn ’ t commonly understood back then , and yoga offered the healing balm that allowed for softening , listening and feeling to rebalance my whole being . I felt like I needed it to survive .
Why did you start your second business , Banditry Cider ?
The pandemic gave Kim some time and space to redirect her energies , and she started Banditry Cider on the Sunshine Coast , making unique cider from 100 % BC-grown apples . It has won multiple awards within its first year of operation , including winning