The Ivy Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 48

We had the pleasure of speaking with three alumnae and lifelong friends who graduated as part of the Class of 1956 : Diane Corbishley , Beverley Raisin and Margo Ritter . They are part of a group of five CHS friends , which also includes Sally ( Saunders ) McLennan and Marion ( Morrison ) Keith , who have remained close over over 70 years despite geographical differences !
Our conversation highlights the enduring connections forged at CHS through communal events , sports and a little mischief .
How long have you been friends ?
“ We ’ ve been friends for 70 + years ,” says Diane . “ We all joined Crofton House in the Junior School . Diane joined in Grade 1 , and Beverley and I joined in Grade 5 ,” adds Margo .
What do you remember most fondly from your time at Crofton House ?
“ My friends ,” they all say together . The group also spoke of the values instilled in them during their time at CHS . They admire how kindness and politeness were encouraged and the development of one ’ s character was an emphasis .
“ One thing Crofton House taught us was manners . And to this day , I still believe in manners so much . I appreciate how they taught us to be helpful to others and to respect elders ,” says Margo .
They also fondly reminisced about the annual events and social gatherings . “ I love how we were also taught to have tea parties . To this day , I have tea every day . It was from the Mother-Daughter Tea we had in the gymnasium ,” said Margo .
They were delighted to learn that traditions like the Mother-Daughter Tea for the graduating class and the serving of tea after various occasions and school events have continued .
What were your favourite cocurricular activities ?
“ Boys and tennis ,” Margo said jokingly . “ I also signed up for field hockey but never went .” Beverly laughs , “ I didn ’ t go either . I took music lessons at school , I also played tennis , badminton , and believe it or not , I was just a little over five feet and was on the basketball team ,” says Diane .
How do you stay in touch ?
The friends don ’ t need much to stay in touch . “ We use the telephone ,” says Diane . Now , with many ways of communicating over time zones and distances , maintaining friendships is not complicated . It only takes the memory of someone ’ s positive presence to keep them in your life .
Moving across various countries and going through other major life milestones doesn ’ t alter those bonds . While Beverley now lives in the United States , she says , “ My best friends are still my friends from Crofton House . ”
No matter how long the passage of time , it ’ s the connections they had in school that make conversations so easy to pick up . “ We can talk for hours . My husband knows if I call my friends , we can stay on the phone for so long ,” says Margo .
What are your thoughts on the CHS alumnae community ?
The trio expressed immense pride in the achievements , drive and tenacity of the alumnae , and they are inspired by the amazing stories and accomplishments of the next generation .
“ I have to congratulate the School and the alumnae . When I read about our alumnae and what they are accomplishing in this world , it is unbelievable . I think it ’ s just fabulous . The School should be proud of what they ’ re teaching to the students . It ’ s very interesting reading about what they do . What a group !” says Margo .