earned honours recognition every year throughout her time at Crofton House .
Gabby and Nirvana also experienced the supportive community CHS offers their families .
Whether meeting parents — friends to this day — through the volleyball program or spending time with other families while volunteering with the Winter Bazaar , and being part of the “ buddy ” family program , Gabby ’ s family found their community at CHS though they live outside the neighbourhood . “ The School makes an effort to involve parents ,” her mother , Charmaine , said .
Nirvana ’ s mother , Fatemah , was a class parent from Grade 8 to Grade 11 . She supported the Year-End BBQ and the Winter Bazaar , among other volunteer roles in the community . “ I have been very involved in the School !” she said .
Reflecting on their time at CHS , both girls have fond memories of teachers and staff who inspired them in their pursuits . From English teachers Dr Beukema and Mr Foley , Drama teachers Ms Burgess and Ms Van Rijn , and Computer Science and Entrepreneurship teachers Mr Tran and Mr Yip , an impactful team of CHS staff have supported both girls in discovering and feeling confident exploring their passions . resilience , creativity and having a growth mindset .
“ I ’ ve struggled with anxiety , which I still struggle with to this day . But just looking back and seeing how much I ’ ve grown and how much resilience I have developed throughout the years , I don ’ t regret any of the challenges I ’ ve endured because they ’ ve only made me stronger ,” Gabby said . “ Overcoming my fear of judgement and not being ashamed of who I am .”
Ultimately , the girls have also learned to be leaders in an ever-changing world .
“ Leadership at Crofton House has always been a big thing for me . My peers and teachers have always pushed me to take chances and become more of a leader . Because of this , I ’ ve become more confident and can advocate for myself more often ,” Nirvana said . “ Being able to learn these lessons and be encouraged to take more leadership positions has brought me skills and practices that I ’ ll carry into my future life .”
As both girls look beyond CHS , their first steps are out to their respective universities . Gabby looks forward to pursuing business in the Queen ’ s University commerce program , having earned a major admission award . Nirvana heads to the University of British Columbia , where she will continue to explore her passion for political science , cultivated through MUN and Debate , and maintain an eye towards a law degree .
CHS is committed to welcoming students who will thrive in the unique opportunity of a Crofton House education , regardless of financial circumstances .
Established in 2017 for new students starting Grade 8 , entrance financial assistance ensures students like Nirvana and Gabby can bring their unique voices to our community .
For more information on financial assistance , visit our website .
The School has also taught them important lessons beyond the course curriculums , like vulnerability ,