I enjoyed the iterative process of planning , thinking and taking drafts to stakeholders and how it helped us distill our thinking into a plan that will serve us well in the years to come .
What do you hope this plan will mean for the CHS community ? Firstly , I hope that all constituents will see their voices and contributions reflected in . Secondly , I hope this plan , provides the community with both a clear sense of our identity and a shared language to describe it . And finally , I hope that the three commitments will guide consistently decisions around our priorities and I hope that the five strategies will provide tools to implement them .
For students , I hope they see it is a plan that has their voice at the centre of it . With the emphasis on student voice , this plan will help us create an environment where student agency is truly valued and embedded because we know that there is no better way to build a girl ’ s confidence for life than experiencing that she has a voice and that it matters .
At the same time , this is a plan about the role of the School in the community and our wider responsibilities : we look forward to expanding opportunities for experiential learning for all students , helping them develop the understanding and the skills they will need as citizens in the 21st century , including intercultural skills . As we have said before , this plan is about educating citizens that care about our collective future : giving them the skills to thrive but also to contribute to the thriving of their increasingly diverse communities .
For staff , I hope it confirms the deep commitment the School has always had to staff development and to creating a professional community of learning and of learners . It also recognizes the central role staff play in the School ’ s proposition : and that this is something that we are committed to strengthening .
For parents , I hope that they see their aspirations for their daughters reflected in the five strategies , all of which have an element that pertains to students . We also know that parents value the CHS community and want to partner with the school to support their daughters ’ journeys . This plan gives us an opportunity to develop more meaningful partnerships with parents , whether it is from a social , learning , well-being or service point of view .
For alumnae , the plan hopefully brings a clearly articulated commitment to continue to strengthen partnerships and links with our alumnae community , in particular connections with the current students . The alumnae community is an integral part of the richness of a CHS education for students at school and beyond .
How will the School share how this plan is coming to life with the CHS community ? At the beginning of the school year , we will share our objectives for the year as they relate to five strategies in the plan : foundational well-being , embracing diversity , purposeful
learning , meaningful partnerships and active stewardship . We will then report on those objectives at the start of each term . In addition , a yearly report will be included in this publication and the Annual Report . The strategic plan section of the CHS website has a “ Where we are ” page , which will also contain the latest updates .
Why is the plan called Thriving in Possibility ? The title was chosen carefully . It signals a connection to our previous strategic plan , Extraordinary Possibilities , and reflects our continued focus on preparing students and the school community for an unknown future while approaching uncertainty with unwavering optimism .
The word thriving captures the spirit of the School : its 125-year history , resourcefulness and continued relevance . It also describes an individual ’ s trust in their ability to engage in life with all its uncertainties and without the need to control all aspects or variables .
Possibility is what lies at the margin of change when multiple , perhaps conflicting , pressures or ideas influence decisions and directions . For us the word captures the idea of seizing the opportunities that emerge when we question assumptions rather than focus on challenges . In a nutshell , I think the title is another way of saying “ as a School , we can do hard things ”. And that , I think , is an important message in 2023 . Through Thriving in Possibility , I believe the School will hold true to its identity and embrace the future with confidence , knowing that it is the decisions we make now that will determine our collective future .
We invite you to learn more about our strategic plan on our website .