ALUMNAE Association
The 2021 – 2022 school year has been all about restarting and refreshing the Crofton House School Alumnae Association . We presented the Association ’ s new strategic plan : Creating Capacity for Connection to alumnae . Armed with results from the alumnae survey and alumnae discussions and feedback about CHS ’ s new strategic plan , we had reason to experiment and celebrate !
While technology enables many things , it doesn ’ t beat the opportunity to share in person , whether on a refreshing walk in Pacific Spirit Park , with laughter over coffee or tea , or in lively exchanges on future technologies , design or science . This was never more evident than when alumnae supported the 2022 CHS Golf Classic by baking treats for golfers and helping the Association host the Mother-Daughter Tea for graduates and their moms at Hycroft Manor .
All of these events were possible with the help of many alumnae who came together to connect with each other and with the Crofton House community to encourage the graduating class of 2022 — Titanium ’ 22 — as they move into the next phase of their lives .
New committees are forming around events and outreach , networking and careers , governance and communications . There will be lots of opportunities to contribute to or learn more about how the Association works with — and for — over 4,500 Croftonian members worldwide . Social and professional opportunities to connect will be woven through inperson and virtual initiatives , enabling alumnae and current students to share and learn from each other . The School and the Association also hope to foster connections with new , recent and long-standing alumnae at different university campuses and other key locations .
If you are interested in hearing more , please connect with us at www . croftonconnect . ca or via email at alumnae @ croftonhouse . ca .