The Ispian...Un lugar en común - N° 2 - Diciembre 2013 | Page 21


subject: Trayecto de Práctica: Taller de Docencia IV.

Facilitator: clarisa remy

I’d like to express the feelings I had while fulfilling this practicum.

To start with, this experience was extremely profitable and memorable. The school had a friendly atmosphere, where teachers treated us kindly. As regards the group, I had a great time with them. They were kind, helpful and very respectful. We didn’t have any problems with discipline. I could establish a good relationship with all of them. And that made me have a positive attitude when teaching. Students were really grateful for our dedication to the lessons and they wished us the best on our last day with them.

Secondly, working not only with Sofia but also with Marina and Tatiana was an amazing experience. We did a good job together! After meeting with Clarisa on Mondays, we all went to Tati’s house to plan the lessons and we really enjoyed the whole planning process. We had fun spending a long time together and drinking ¨mate¨! It was a pleasure to work with each of them. We shared responsibilities, organized and performed different tasks, exchanged opinions, ideas and thoughts in order to work towards a final goal. We formed a successful team. And Sofi was an excellent partner for me. She’s a beautiful person.

Apart from that, I’d like to say that the form teacher, Ana, was really kind with us. She was friendly and attentive. She provided us with all the material we needed to prepare the classes. Besides, she was always in a good mood and ready to help us. And her comments on every delivered lesson were more than helpful.

Personally, I must say that having Clarisa as my teacher trainer was also very rewarding for me. I learnt how to plan an interesting variety of lessons and how to challenge adolescents. She was very kind with me and gave me constructive pieces of advice. I also enjoyed every meeting with her to plan the lessons and I profited from her wise words a lot.

All in all, I really enjoyed the practicum. Honestly, I think I did a great job and gave a good performance. I believe there is a long way to go, but I have started a long journey towards the professional discovery of my own strengths. I’ll keep this rewarding and valuable experience in my heart forever.

By Guillermina Lancioni

Education Through Art