The Ispian...Un lugar en común - N° 2 - Diciembre 2013 | Page 13

The initiative for this research started after completing my double Master’s degree in law. My interest in carrying out interdisciplinary research grew as it became increasingly obvious that law is at the core of legal translation and, at the same time, law is a matter of legal language. Multilingualism is a transversal issue that has a profound impact on the lives of European citizens. Subtleties of language can result in complicated legal issues. And expressing the same reality in different languages is, therefore, crucial for the implementation of EU policies and the enforcement of EU legislation.

My project aims at elucidating the challenges of having EU legislation in 24 languages and the criteria of interpretation the Court of Justice of the European Union applies when dealing with divergences between different language versions of a piece of legislation.

Carrying out a project between Translation and Law I realised how important synergies between disciplines are. Sometimes it is necessary to build bridges between disciplines to be able to understand a certain phenomenon in a better way .When we find the relationships between disciplines we realise that everything connects at a certain point. For instance, we can realise how useful Chomsky’s generative grammar can be to understand what language is and how it evolves, or how useful discourse analysis can be for interpreting. Being able to shed light on these crossroads also provides you with the means to be good translators.

Why am I mentioning this? Well, it’s because my studies at St. Bartholomew’s Institute provided me with the necessary foundation in order to be able to construct the rest. And this foundation includes academic excellence but also motivation, collaboration, fellowship and teamwork. I hope you have as amazing classmates as I had .

Finally, I’d like to congratulate the Institute on its 25th anniversary!

I wish you all the best and if you have any questions please email me:

[email protected]

Many thanks