The three years at the Institute were unforgettable ones: my classmates, the interesting subjects, the lecturers, courses and workshops the Institute organized and the exceptional teachers such as Silvia Rivero, Valeria Virga and Silvia Arberas will stay in my mind and my heart forever as memories of a very enriching stage in my life.
As if these was not enough, once I got my degree and worked as a translator I didn’t feel totally satisfied so a year later, I came back to the institute. This time, it was Graciela Catelli who told me what it was like to become a teacher encouraged me to study this career. Once more in my life, I fell I really wanted to become one of them so I came back home and shared the news that I would will continue studying.
Four wonderful years have passed and here I am, doing the last subjects to get my degree as “Profesora de Inglés de Nivel Inicial y Primario”. The journey has been a long one and I still have to travel many years more because I love studying and learning. Of course, I have enjoyed each day of this “trip” always admiring and feeling motivated by extraordinary teachers such as Mariu Gaffner, Sandy Perez and Clarisa Remy who are experts in the subject and models I would like to imitate.
To summarize, I can say that “San Bartolomé” is my second home; it’s a place in which I have spent most of my life, an institution in which I have developed my English skills and a building in which I have found valuable people who, through their teaching, are, in a big part, responsible for the kind of person I am today.
My mum and uncle have come to this school, my brother and sister too and hopefully, in a few years my son will also become a San Bartolomé student.
I will be thankful forever.
Trad. Verónica Alliaud