Renew Your Mind with Bible Study : 10 Tips
The Bible says that we are not to be conformed to this world but rather we are to be transformed by renewing our mind . The Bible helps us to renew our mind which the Bible tells us will change us because it will change the way we think . In other words : read the Bible and it will change how you think and that , in turn , will change you .
The Bible presents a lot of ideas that are quite foreign to the natural way of thinking . For example , the Bible tells us to love our enemies and forgive people who hurt and even abuse us . The Bible tells us that we are fundamentally sinful and that our hearts are the most deceitful things on earth and desperately wicked . The Bible warns us not to get too proud or too full of self-esteem and reminds us that is the individual who does not think very highly of herself who will be exalted ( the humble ).
These are odd ideas . The Bible is full of odd ideas . But as you read and embrace these concepts , they change the way you think and how you respond to the world . The problem is that you cannot read the Bible once in a great while and expect these results . You can ’ t even read it every other day and get these results . In order to transform your mind , yourself , and your life , you need to immerse yourself in Bible studies .
The best ways to do this are to read your Bible every day , to participate in formal and informal Bible studies , and to read commentaries and Bible studies on your own .
Reference Link : http :// awretchlike . me / 34 / renew-your-mind-with-bible-study-10-tips /
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