The international E-Magazine on adolescent health; Skin and skeletal-muscular system 1 | Page 4


The major causes for bad skin are: Dry skin, Skin cancer, burned skin, acne, oily skin, sensitive skin. This are some of the many problems that people can encounter for not taking care of their skin properly or with no concern.

The steps to protect and take care of your Dry skin are:

1.- Apply warm water on the dry skin, and dry it gently.

2.- Do not use Alcohol based products on the dry skin, the alcohol tends to dry the skin.

3.- Constantly apply rejuvenating cream, this will hydrate your skin and try to apply it in a daily bases.

The steps to prevent skin cancer or protect you from it are:

1.- Use in a daily bases skin protection ranging from 15-30 SPF protection, this will prevent the skin burns, even in winter days the sun will reflect and affect your skin.

2.- If you spend long time in the sun try to use a high SPF protection for a better result in long sun exposure time.