INSULIN is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas by the islet of Langerans. Insulin helps the body cell to absorb glucose from the blood and use it as a source of energy. If the glucose unable to get into your cells, it builds up in your blood stream. High blood glucose can cause long-term complications if it is not treated. Additionally, when blood sugar reaches a certain level, the kidneys try to get rid of it through urine - you will urinate oftenly. Frequent urination causes tiredness, thirstiness, hungry and losing the weight.
Usually after meal, carbohydrates,protein and lipids are absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream. Insulin is then secreted from the pancreas due to the increase in blood sugar level. Most cells in the body have insulin receptors which bind the insulin and when insulin attached to its surface receptor, the cell will absorb glucose from the bloodstream into the inside of the cell.
Besides glucose as main sources of energy, the body also gets energy from a complex sugar called glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscles. When under stress or extreme hungriness, the stored glycogen will converted into glucose by the liver and release into the bloodstream.When enough insulin is present, muscles can use their glycogen for energy, but cannot release it directly into the blood.
Unfortunately, people with diabetes might need insulin injections either because they do not produce enough insulin in their bodies or they cannot properly use the insulin produced causing the level of sugar in the bloodstream to be very high.
Without insulin, people with Type 1 diabetes can actually be in a state of starvation since many of the cells cannot use up the glucose very well. Those who develop a deficiency of insulin must receive insulin therapy via shots or pumps.