The Ingenieur Vol 59 July-Sept 2014 The Ingenieur Vo. 59, July-Sept 2014 | Page 17

‟ Unlike the fairy tale Rumplestiltskin, do not think that by having named the devil that you have destroyed him. Positive verification of his demise is required. Verification of Safety “Unlike the fairy tale Rumplestiltskin, do not think that by having named the devil that you have destroyed him. Positive verification of his demise is required”. Source: System Safety Handbook for the Acquisition Manager, U.S. Air Force Through safe engineering the test plans and recommended actions on products must be reviewed at regular intervals based on hazard and risk analyses, regulations, safety standards, inspection checklists, previous failures and incidents, and interface analyses. The safety effort should specify the detailed conditions under which tests are to be conducted. The engineers should review test results for any safety-related problems that were missed out in earlier analyses or other testing and monitor tests for unexpected failure modes and hazardous states. Documentation One of the important steps in safe engineering practice is to collect, compile and manage all the prepared technical materials including sources of information, codes, standards, drawings, references, method statements and assumptions for the products. As this information may be reviewed by many different persons or parties from various backgrounds and disciplines, its organisation should be accessible and understandable by all. The key to this information organisation and management is simplicity to allow for timely and effective dissemination of correct and updated information and facilitating communication during meetings and conduct of site trainings. REPORTED FAILURE AND INCIDENT CASES Finally, this technical paper emphasizes the importance of documented forensic engineering investigations on failure and incident cases. Lessons learnt from such investigations provide an invaluable resource for the designer, engineer, operator, contractor, and others to improve engineered products by reducing risk or eliminating hazards or risks. Failure of engineering and construction structures In recent years there have been number of high profile engineering and construction failures such as the collapse of false work structure for the Batu Maung interchange work for the Penang Second Bridge project (Photo 1.0), collapse of the West Wing of the Sultan Mizan Stadium, Trengganu during the demolition of the space frame structures, collapse of hypermarket’s floor slab temporary support structures during concreting work in Johor, and others. Similar cases can be avoided or prevented from happening again by having engineers who have been appointed for the mega-project construction work to prepare and undertake first the hazard and risk evaluation for the product. The preparation of amended construction or workshop drawings with complete supporting calculations, and method statements should highlight the outcomes from the hazard and risk analysis report. The client will then have an Independent Consultant to undertake thorough checks on the proposal. Engineering drawings of the products will also be scrutinized and proper care taken to ensure that checks 15 ingenieur 2014-July-FA.indd 15 7/9/14 10:37 AM