The Ingenieur Vol 59 July-Sept 2014 The Ingenieur Vo. 59, July-Sept 2014 | Page 16

INGENIEUR Other hazard and risk analytical tool or software Further information on the hazard or risk analysis techniques appropriate to different project stages for a typical process plant is as provided in Table 2.0. Currently, many engineering software tools integrate the use of fuzzy logic and expert Project stage database with FMEA. They may prove helpful to system safety and reliability analysts who conduct FMEAs to prioritize potential or actual failures and for corrective or remedial actions to be followed and taken on products. A number of technical societies, industrial organisations, regulatory agencies, training and research organisations, and consultants produce publications on these methods. Hazard or risk identification technique All stages Management and safety system audits Checklists Feedback from workforce Pre-design Hazard or risk indices Insurance assessments Hazard or risk studies (coarse scale) Design Process design checks Unit processes, units operations Plant equipments Pressure systems Instrument systems Hazard and operability studies (fine scale) Failure modes and effects analysis Fault trees and event tress Hazard analysis Reliability assessments Operator task analysis and operating instructions Commissioning Checks against design, inspection, examination, testing Non-destructive testing, condition monitoring Plant safety audits Emergency planning Operation Inspection, testing Non-destructive testing, condition monitoring, corrosion Monitoring, malfunction detection, plant degradation audits Plant safety audits Table 2.0: Hazards or risk identification techniques appropriate to different project stages [7] 6 14 ingenieur 2014-July-FA.indd 14 VOL 59 JULY –2013 VOL 55 JUNE SEPTEMBER 2014 7/9/14 10:37 AM