Bottom Line, Inc.
Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook
19. I am eager to start a new project before I even finish an existing project.
20. I prepare for things at the last minute.
21. Interruptions throughout the day affect the amount of work I am able to accomplish.
22. I am very precise in how I handle projects.
23. I keep track of all of my important deadlines.
24. When I talk on the phone during a casual conversation, I also engage in other activities
25. I avoid delegating work until it’s absolutely necessary.
26. I have scraps of paper scattered about with bits of information on them.
27. I go home with my desk in order.
28. I keep my legal and accounting records updated and in order.
29. During a business phone conversation, I would rather look for a related file while talking
than put the person n hold.
30. I find it difficult to make time for the unexpected.
31. I put off today what I can do tomorrow.
32. It is important to capture specific details of business conversations and record them
33. I object to meetings that start late.
34. If I am trying to find a street address while driving, I would rather leave the radio on than
turn it off.
35. I find myself working long hours and never catching up.
36. When I am in a meeting and someone brings up an interesting but unrelated topic, I join in
the discussion about the new topic.
37. I enjoy implementing the details of a project more than I do envisioning the end result.
38. I think that meetings that don’t have an agenda are a waste of my time.
39. If I am walking around a shopping center looking for a particular store, I am comfortable
chatting with a friend as I look.
40. I am disorganized because I do not have the time to get organized.
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