Bottom Line, Inc.
Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook
TIME MANAGEMENT Personality Profile
Please answer each item according to how often that statement is true for you. Write your answer on the
blank that precedes each item, using the following scale:
4 = Almost Always
3 = Often
2 = Sometimes
1 = Almost Never
1. I have so many “to do” lists that I don’t know where to begin.
2. I can make decisions about minor details without needing to know how the overall plan is
coming together.
3. I know where I filed most of my important papers.
4. A busy environment helps me to work more efficiently.
5. I find myself inundated with papers that I have to get to.
6. I get distracted by the unimportant while I am in the middle of the important.
7. If a party is being planned, I enjoy attending to the particulars more than I do planning the
8. I keep my “to do” list handy.
9. I tend to take on several tasks at one time.
10. I find myself losing sight of long-term goals when dealing with short-term crises.
11. I find myself daydreaming during meetings or discussions.
12. I am good at mapping out the steps needed to complete a project.
13. Telephone and fax numbers for my business contacts are readily accessible.
14. While working on one project, ideas about other projects come to mind.
15. I put off making decisions until a situation becomes urgent.
16. My mind wanders when I’m working alone.
17. In the midst of working on a project, attending to minor details as they come up helps me
to keep on track.
18. I am uncomfortable when my desk is overcrowded with papers.
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