The Individual Contributor March 2014 | Page 32

Bottom Line, Inc. Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook DOMINANCE ANALYSIS Right / Left Brain Dominance Instructions: Respond to statements 1 through 18 and 20 through 26 by writing a check mark in the blank that completes the statement so that it is truer for you or is true for you more of the time than the alternative. Complete items 19 and 27 by following the specific instruction written next to each of those item numbers. 1. When planning the activities of my day, I usually a. Make a list of all the things I need to accomplish. b. Picture the places I will go, people I will see, things I will do. 2. I prefer to a. Summarize readings. b. Outline readings. 3. When I need to motivate myself, what works best is a. Competing with myself. b. Competing 4. When I go to a movie, I usually sit a. On the left side of the theater. b. On the right side of the theater. 5. When I approach a problem, I am likely to a. Try to find the one best way to solve it. b. Think of a number of different ways to solve it. 6. When preparing myself for a new or difficult task, I am more likely to a. Compile extensive information about the task. b. Visualize myself accomplish the task. 7. I am skilled in a. The statistical, scientific prediction of outcomes. b. The intuitive prediction of outcomes. 8. When I meet someone it is easier for me to a. Remember the person’s name b. Remember the person’s face. 32 | P a g e