The Individual Contributor March 2014 | Page 25

Bottom Line, Inc. Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook POWER PERCEPTION Profile This instrument is designed to provide you with some important information about utilization of various types of power as the basis of your leadership attempts. Instructions: Listed below are 21 pairs of reasons often given by people when they are asked why they do the things the leaders suggests or wants them to do. Allocate three points between the two alternative reasons in each pair. Base your point allocation on your judgment of each alternative’s relative importance as a reason for other’s compliance to you. Be sure that the numbers assigned to each pair add up to three. Allocate the points between the first item and the second item based on perceived importance in the following fashion: Less Important More Important 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Others respond to my leadership attempts because… 1. ____ A ____ B 2. ____ C ____ D 3. ____ E ____ F 4. ____ G ____ A 5. ____ B ____ C 6. ____ D ____ E 7. ____ F ____ G 8. ____ A ____ C 9. ____ B ____ D I can administer sanctions and punishment to those who do not cooperate with me. They realize that I have connections with influential and important persons. They respect my understanding, knowledge, judgment and experience. I possess or have access to information that is valuable to others. My position in the organization provides me with the authority to direct their work activities. They like me personally and want to do things that will please me. I can provide rewards and support to those who cooperate with me. I can administer sanctions and punishment to those who do not cooperate with me. They realize that I have connections with influential and important persons. They respect my understanding, knowledge, judgment and experience. I possess or have access to information that is valuable to others. My position in the organization provides me with the authority to direct their work activities. They like me personally and want to do things that will please me. I can provide rewards and support to those who cooperate with me. I can administer sanctions and punishment to those who do not cooperate with me. They respect my understanding, knowledge, judgment and experience. They realize that I have connections with influential and important persons. I possess or have access to information that is valuable to others. 25 | P a g e