The Indie Game Magazine September 2015 | Issue 53 | Page 14
to be of blue shells?)
Hamilton: From the beginning I had a
clear rule that I wouldn’t add a “Blue Shell”
type weapon, I always hated that it would
appear on the final stretch of the final lap
if you did too well in a race; I understand
why it exists, but I always felt it was unfair
and punished you for playing well.
Current weapons in there right now are
Chili boosters, straight line projectile
Melons, heat-seeking Loconuts, melted
Gelatos (Gelati?), and lobbable exploding
Pineapples, with more weapons to come
soon. The one I’m most looking forward to
making is the Chook-Shot, a grapple-hook
chicken hybrid that will latch onto the kart
in front of you and pull you closer to them
while slowing them down.
IGM: I know characters had particular
kart classes (such as heavy and light
racers), but how much wiggle room is
there as far as customizing karts to suit
a player’s needs?
Hamilton: Actually there aren’t any kart
class differences right now, there was but
I leveled them all out just before Early
Access as I didn’t want someone coming
to play their favorite character and being
disappointed by how they handled. In a
near-future update I plan to put less varied
kart class differences back in, based on
each character’s bulk, while adding some
sliders to choose the balance that each
individual player prefers to have.
it on another player, by crashing into
them, before the timer runs out and
the bomb explodes.
Other arena plans I’d like to keep as a
surprise for the game’s backers.
IGM: What do you look for in a kart racer
soundtrack? What types of tunes should
we expect to hear in Super Indie Karts?
IGM: Can you detail some of the differ- Hamilton: A lot of the music you’ll hear
ent battle modes in the game, and their in SIK are either awesome tracks from the
crossover games that already magically
rule sets?
fit a racing game perfectly, or remixed
Hamilton: In the Early Access build cur- versions made specially for SIK. On top
rently available there are two arenas. The
of that, there’s also some original music
first is a standard weapon jar fight where
being created by Pongball who has an aceach player has 3 health points. The seccomplished SNES sounding portfolio and
ond is a punch up mode where each kart
is a perfect match for a project like this.
has boxing gloves attached to the front,
each player has 7 health points, while the IGM: Is there a particular reason you chose
arena size is smaller than the first arena. to develop the